Newbie - In Training


New member
Hello folks,

I have been watching this site for a few weeks now, and have decided to join, seeing as how positive people are and the good natured advice available. I am currently trying to reach my personal goal of weight reduction while also building some muscle definition. Just a brief history, about 5 years ago I was 160lbs 5'8 with a size 32" waist. I am now currently 207lbs and up to a 38" waist, not to happy about that. So about 4 weeks ago I decided to start working out with my wife, we have been doing a combination of both Weight training and some mild Aerobics. While I have not reduced my weight by much, my clothes are a little looser on me and I have noticed some strength gains. But to no avail, yet, do I see any visual reduction in my midsection. I have heard that aerobic excercise would be the key to raising my heart rate and in turn burn fat, but I am an asthmatic and aerobics pose a unique problem for me. This is why I lean more towards weight training, I still get some burn going while not raising my heart rate too much. I would love to hear from anyone else out there who may be in a similiar predicament. Until next time ....:eek:

Hey Dropwire! Welcome to the forum.
Heya and welcome to the forums :)

You are correct, arobics burns fat, and cardio speeds you up to burn fat for the rest of the day.
Another key thing that burns fat is muscle. So weight training is a great move. When you do weights do it very slowly so you arnt breathing heavily but you are giving the muscle more of a workout.
Also check into swimming - its great for asthmatics and you should be able to work out a lot harder without any problems.

The asthma will disappear probably as you go down in weight and gain fitness.

Good luck, you're well on your way! :D
Thanks for the Advice

Thank you for the kind words Wishes, I agree with you completely regarding the Cardio and Weight Training. As for Swimming it sounds like a good idea, but first I must learn to swim. Hopefully soon I'll give it a try. Has anyone heard of lung strengthing exercise ? Just curious ... Thanks again. :D
If you cant swim then checkout aqua arobics. You just do arobic style stuff in the pool - its really hard work :)