Newbie... How can I lose the weight and not gain it back?


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Hi, I'm new here... let me start with a bit of information about myself. I'm 16 years old. I weigh 131 pounds (as of this morning). But I am only 5'1. I've struggled with body image for years. My stomach always looks bloated and my legs look very large as well. I look like I weigh closer to 150 pounds. I'm an athlete, so the muscles don't help, in fact, the calf muscles are so big that people have called me fat and body shamed me over my calves. People at school also have shamed me for my stomach. In my Freshman year of high school, one boy told me I looked pregnant and asked who the father was.

I've tried every year to lose weight... usually in summer. In 2016, I weighed 140 pounds at age 14, only standing at 4'11. I actually lost about 7 pounds just with better eating habits. The problem is, I'm a stress eater, and I gained it back after I started going to back school, because I have social anxiety and the kids stress me out. I've always been a really good student, so I push myself really hard to get straight A's, and it causes me a lot of stress.

This continued into 2017, when in the summer I tried to lose weight again. I didn't really stick with it, but during the last week of august, I didn't eat anything. I wanted to be skinny for school. I completely lost my stomach and I could see my bones. It was awesome. I felt super confident. But it hurt. I couldn't stick with starving myself because, as I mentioned before, I'm an athlete. (I do workout quite a bit.), and also, because the pain in my stomach was unbearable.

This summer, 2018, I've managed to lose 10 pounds. I'm down to 131 now. I've been taking laxatives and it helped me lose a considerable amount of weight, so I'm upping my dosage. However, I don't want to take them forever, but I'm afraid I'll regain all the weight back if I stop. I still need to lose 15-20 pounds to reach my goal of being the average weight for my age and height.

As I mentioned before, I'm a stress eater. I get home from school, and I just eat and watch TV until my dad gets home. My dad has shamed me for my eating habits in the past and it only makes it worse, because whenever he's gone, I eat everything he doesn't allow me to eat. When he's home, I eat pretty well. He also pressures me into working out. He gives me workout programs and tells me to do them. Sometimes I wish he'd just let me be a kid for the last year and a half before college.

Since I'm not in school right now, I've been eating less because I don't get home and just eat. I'm worried that when September rolls around and I'm in school again, I'll gain it all back.

How can I get down to 110-115 pounds (healthy & average weight for my height) and not gain it back? How can I flatten my stomach and keep it that way? How can I destroy my eating habits? I feel like the only thing keeping me under 150 is my rigorous athletic schedule.

P.S: I've been reading a lot of everyone's posts on here, and I wish you all the best of luck!
I would be careful about blanket statements about "healthy and average" weight. If your getting those figures from some internet based BMI chart it can really be misleading. Body Fat calculations are far more reliable when determining your eating and exercise habits in my opinion. Measure any professional athlete on a BMI index and they will no doubt read as obese. When I was still working as a firefighter I was running half marathons and lifting weights daily. I was in the best shape of my life, six-pack and all! I weighed about 215 lbs but the BMI said I was morbidly obese and needed to lose 25-35 lbs! Find a guy or clinic locally where you can have your body fat measured (not one of those cheap little electronic machines you put your thumbs on) I am betting you will find that with your activity and musculature "healthy" for you will not be the "average" of many kids your age. 140 or so might well be a good weight for you. That may not prescribe to the popular skinny look the media teases us with today but it will be healthy and thats the important thing. You are still maturing and the stupid kids you hang with at school are too. In a year or there will be complements about your rockin' legs instead of jeers.
I agree with most of what rgrove said. I envy you your athletic figure. I think work is needed on your self-esteem, rather than your body. You sound super-fit & kudos to you for that. If I could give you only one piece of advice I would say learn to love yourself. It sounds corny & simple, but if you learn to appreciate your body & it's athleticism, nourish your body with sufficient, good healthy nutritious food that it deserves & learn to ignore the people who may just be jealous then you will be amazing. I'm sure you are amazing now, but you don't realise it.
This skinny obsession has a lot to answer for. Muscle has more shape than fat. That's why they call it definition. There are going to be so many people struggling for the rest of their lives, because of the damage done to their bodies, by starving themselves when they were young. I think you are smarter than that. Love yourself, hon. Love yourself xo
I'm concerned about laxative-use, especially at your age. I'm a nursing assistant and a lot of my job involves bowel movements and I've taken a course specifically dealing with it. By taking laxatives, you are not giving your body a chance to work on its own and prolonged laxative use can lead to major problems down the road for you. If your bowels don't get the chance to work at their own, they may quit working well. Eating more fibre and drinking more water are better moves.

Your weight is healthy but I know you probably won't believe me. People come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes when we are a healthy weight we don't look like the thin supermodels we expect. My advice is to go on youtube and watch some videos on how to get self-esteem. They helped me tremendously with gaining perspective.