Newbie here!


New member
Hi, I'm 15 years old, I don't know if you will mind me being here, I browsed the forum to see if I could spot any other teens but couldn't see any.

I'm from London, UK. In total I want to lose just under 1 stone. Started diet today but have already failed by having a choccie doughnut and a hot chocolate!:(

Hope to get to know some of you!
Welcome to the site!
welcome to the site...

and you didn't fail because you had the donut and hot chocolate... tomorrow.. you won't do the same thing.. forgive yourself and keep going forward...
Welcome to the forum! There are some other people here who are teens, but I can't think of who they are off the top of my head. Sorry! :eek: Runforfun is 16, I think. If she is still posting here, maybe you could talk to her. I'm sure she could help you find some others. Also, we are all here to help you! :D
I'm 19 for another... 5 hrs 14 minutes. lol

Just under a stone.. so about 12-13 lbs. :) Good! There are some good clubs you might wanna check out :)