Newbie Here!

Hi all, :)

Im going to start a gym soon, and i really need your help/advice on where to start.

I want to start a gym to help myself keep active and fit, and maybe along the way loose a bit of weight and tone up.

But my question is can anyone recommend me what machines to use in gyms and how long to go on each equipment for?

Thanks for your help,

welcome :)

no machines, hit the free weights ;)
I am a bigger fan of weight machines. They allow you to work out safetly alone. I use my free weights when I have someone here who can spot or to deadlift. I also like the weight machines becasue they are fast at changing weight for decending sets.

For cardio I prefer something outside like biking, running or skating because you won't get bored as fast as doing 1/2 - 1 hr. on a stationary bike or tread mill.
Also, try to cross-train your cardio. By which I mean, don't pick a favourite machine and do nothing else as your body will adapt and the excercise will become less and less effective. Mix it up - variety keeps things ticking along.

Oh, and welcome :)