Newbie help

Hi all! I needed some advice on pull ups. Basically I need to be able to do 12 pull ups for my class and today I stumbled on the assisted chin up/dip machine. Usually I can only do one pull up by myself. My question is what would be a better tool to help me get to 12 reps: either the machine or doing negative pull ups. I read that people have found very little success while using the machine so I was wondering if any pros could shed any light on this matter.

Edit: Also the time frame is a bit under 3 months.
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I'm no pro, but I have had better success with negatives than with the assisted pullup machine.

How old are you? How much do you weigh?
Just from personal experience, either negs or static holds are best, not a big fan of the assisted machine although I have used that from time to time.

Are you also trying to lose weight? You need to be pretty strong to do 12 reps at 230, I think you'll find it quicker to get to 12 by lightening the load rather than building enough muscle to shift your weight
There is an excellent from stronglifts. If you haven't got a good all round routine look at the stronglifts 5x5 it is great for building all round strength not just for pullups.