Newbie Fitness help

Hi Ive just joined, apologies if ive put this in the wrong section, this site is huge!

Ive recently started 'trying' to get into shape after several years of office work and no exercise i have lost some weight and have been lifting some weights but although im starting to get into shape im now an odd shape. I still have a bit of a belly (ive lost a lot though) and thanks to the weights the chest and upper arms/shoulders have developed but i have very skinny lower arms and im looking very out of proportion any exercise advice to work on the lower arms?
Try wrist curls and reverse wrist curls. Also when lifting for bicep curls if you use dumbells you could start with your palms facing inwards (towards your body) and then twist them facing backwards (towards your chest) at the top. Also try chin ups and pull ups.
keep it up!

Hey there Newbie,
First of all, I think it's wonderful that you have decided to improve your shape. It's hard after sitting for so many years. I would suggest doing push ups because they really tone your upper and lower arms. For years, I didn't like doing them and always stuck with bicep curls. However, after the trainers at the gym pushed me into push ups (excuse the pun :)) I enjoy doing them and I noticed that my upper and lower arms are stronger and leaner. So keep on doing curls, but also do those push ups.
I would also suggest doing abdominal strength exercises including crunches, leg lifts with a stability ball, planks, the list goes on. I am putting some of these exercises on my blog soon.
What type of cardio do you do? Not everyone can run, but cardio mixed in with weights is the best way to lose weight. I would suggest biking and swimming because they also strengthen your arms as well as giving you a great cardio workout and not hurting your knees.
I hope this helps. Have a wonderful day!
fat loss

IF you are lifting weights and doing cardio,look for more fat loss then weight, muscle weighs more then fat. AND as kitty says pushups are a good upper body workout, also work your lower body. YOU can work your lower body one day and upper the next.==========STAY POSTED!
Hi, everyone
I recently find a good ebook which is 200 pages, it is really helpful to me , don't misunderstand me,I am not the author of the ebook, nor sell it for them , this is really my true feeling.I am very fat , and have tried many methods to loss weight quite crazily. After reading this ebook, I find that it is an amazing ebook , it tells me the basic knowledge of weight loss , so many basic knowledge that I think I can become an expert after reading,I am not blind ,not crazy any more . I can make a weight loss plan for myself without any guide any more .
And it is very convenient , there are nearlly 50 products which is or was hot on the market with reviews in this ebook ,including diet ,pills and so on , it really saves my time when I want to find these product or find reviews of certain products.
Sorry, I forget to mention the name of the ebook , its name is Weight Loss Codes, and official site is www .

Ok, this is just my suggestion,it helps me , so I share it with all of you ,hope this can help.
i agree with tenreps, diet pills and all that other junk are crap! nothing beats hard work and determination. if you want a good book read "The Truth About Six Pack Abs", its based on full body, compound exercises, no crazy stupid workouts, just good stuff that is going to work. and as for building your forearms then yes, wrist curls and reverse wrist curls will def help along with push ups and chin ups. also give hammer curls a go, they def work the forearms
VERY good LEEMO, hard work in the gym and solid nutrition is the key!