Newbie-Becky's diary


New member
Hi, thought I'd gove this a try.

Started diet today. Was running late for school as usual so didn't have time for breakfast so grabbed a nutri grain from shop on way (not sure how healthy or low in fat they are-anyone know?) Break I had a chocolate dougnhut!!:( Lunch was bit better, wasn't hungry just had an apple. Got home and had a banana, handful of strawberries and a salad wrap. Then mum bought me a chocolate bar and couldn't resist! (I'm a massive chocoholic). Felt really crap after that so did an hour exercise then went for a 40 minute walk. Came back for a small portion of low fat chicken chow mein. Just had a cup of hot chocolate so not doing that good today! Will do more exercise later just before I go to bed, aiming to do 300 sit-ups throughout day, done 125 so far so got 175 still to do! I'm starving right now but I'm not allowed to eat past 7!!

Hoping to do better tomorrow, having whole grain toast for breakfast with low fat spread. Will also have a banana and some melon and a cuppa. Mid morning may treat myself to a tracker bar along with a piece of fruit. Lunch will be 2 salad wraps and maybe something else depending on how hungry I am. Don't know about dinner yet.

Thanks if you read all that!
Like your avatar...very funny!!! It is so hard when someone enables your bad food choices. My hubbie used to do that too until he realized how much it hurt me. You may want to talk with your mom about it, she may not even realize what she is doing. You sound as if you are exercising well already. Alot of people post what they eat and keep track of the calories in their diary. That may help you along. This is a great group and very good luck...we got your back!!!
Great avatar Becca!! It sounds like you're a nibbler--that's a great thing because it's one of the healthiest ways to eat and it keeps your metabolism going all day long. It is also bad though because you can really sneak some calories in a bite at a time. The exercise portion of your post sounds like you're doing great there.
Thanks for your replies! I'm not sure about calories. I look for them but some products don't tell you so I don't know how much exercise to do to work it off!! Could someone tell me how many calories are in apples, bananas etc?

Anyway, today:

Had 1 slice of wholemeal toast for breakfast, along with a strawberry, banana and cranberry smoothie (was gorgeous!) Also fitted in 50 sit-ups before school! Mid morning I had a banana and an orange. For lunch I had 2 salad wraps. Got home and was dying for some crisps so I had a packet (126 calories-could be worse, eh?). Was still hungry so had a bowl of seven grain cereal topped with a banana and strawberries (can you tell I like bananas yet?). Still had the munches after that so decided to go out and just got back from a 30 minute bike-ride and I'm not hungry anymore! Having chicken fajitas for dinner I think. Later on today I will do some more sit-ups but I think I have pulled the muscles in my stomach so maybe cut down to 100 today! I think I've done okay today. Hoping I don't start craving anymore crisps or anything around 8ish like I usually do.

I think the reason I get hungry when I get back from school is because lunch isn't big enough, I think I need some protein or something but the school food is dodgy to say the least, I also can't make my own because we don't have access to a fridge at school so by lunch time it isn't fresh at all. Buying a £3.99 chicken salad from the shop every morning isn't suitable either, any suggestions?

By the way I don't eat fish, ham, sausages or cheese so options are limited!

thanks! I think this diary really helps, makes me rethink what I've eaten. I thought I'd done really bad today by having some crisps but now I realise I have done okay for the rest of the day so it's not all bad. Just got to get through the 8'o'clock hunger pang and I'll be fine.
Hey! Why not try baked pretzels or air popped popcorn instead of chips? I often find the problem to be a salt thing so that helps for me. Keep up the great work. And try an get some water in there!
I really struggle with water! I'm meant to have 8 glasses but I end up with 2 normally! I had a glass for breakfast, a small bottle thorughout school and a glass after my bike ride so about 3 glasses. Will fit in a couple more. Change of plan, will be having sweet and sour chicken with noodles for dinner (465 cal) but mum bought them for me especially and no-one else eats them! Will do an extra hour of exercise to work some of it off!

Calories today (including dinner I will have): 1056 plus 3 bananas, 8 strawberries and an orange!

Is that a good amount of calories or should it be less?
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Exercise for yetserday:
30 min bike ride
30 min exercise (sit-ups etc)
25 min jog

Day 3!!

Slept in this morning and only had 20 mins to get ready before I had to leave but I still managed to have a slice of brown bread and a banana for breakfast. Break was a banana and an orange. Lunch was 1 salad wrap so haven't cheated today!! Had another slice of toast and now tucking into another salad wrap.

Haven't done any exercise yet today but going for a walk soon and will do about 200 sit-ups later and then a 25 min jog after tea.

Calories so far: 504 plus however many calories are in the fruit I've eaten.

I use to look up stuff without labels. It has pretty much every kind of fruit or veggie, lots of meats, breads, condiments even. It has selections from most fast food places and lots of restaurants, too. Hope that helps!
good job on the exercise, I can only imagine doing 200 sit ups!!!