newbi in need of help

im sorry if im to tiered and cant find this and its on here somewhere but, what are the main supplements used, and what do they do. I'm not looking for a dictionary, just mainly the "lamens" terms. if there is a website that people buy there stuff from that seems to be better then another please post that as well. thanks in advanced.
Go to the supplement Forum (where you posted this) and check out the "Stickys"-at the top, they're perm posted topics for questions that get asked a lot like yours.

they helped a little but im looking for more of a general explanation more then a reveiw. where as i have no clue what whey is taken for, and half the other commonly used supplements. if i have over looked this after looking thru the stickys again i am sorry.
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whey: taken after a work out since its a fast digesting protien
Slow and medium diegesting protiens are taken before bed or I like to drink them in the morning
Protien is adivised to be taken if your working out, losing wieght, and expecialy if your trying to gain muscle. It is the staple of all the supplements

Performace enhancing supplment that makes muscle retain more water to make them look bigger. Though use with much caution and research before taking

Taken to support overall health and highly suggested

That is the run down of the three bigest supplements that I find come up alot. It barley scratches the surface though do research. Google is always your best friend!
If you have done your research and found something you like I would suggest using or going to GNC.

Avoid any NO products, they don't work.

And BIG caution on creatien if your under 18

Cheap prices and they explain what different supps/vitamins are for, I've been doing business with them for years and have been very happy.

thank you very much now i have somewhere to start the research at rather then typing in a bunch of random supplements that i dont know.
I don't think one has to look for an "encyclopaedia of supplements" because you have not stated what you are trying to achieve and the supplements you are looking for should assist you in this. You could be mis-sold fat-burners and other useless stuff you don't really need.
mainly i was just looking for a quick explanation like mass gave to me. it bothers me to read something and not understand what it means or what it is used for.
i am looking at loosing weight. if anyone has any info that could help me on that,(regarding supplements) that would be cool as well.
For weight loss there are alot of products.. though from personal opnion I wouldn't suggest using any of them
Diet and exercise! Expecialy diet that is key.

If you are trying to lose wieght make sure your getting protien, wich could come from a low carb/low caloric protien shake supplement.

Most of the weight loss products out there will speed up your matabolism and basicly thats it (caffinee does this) but why speed up you rmatabolism when you could just diet?

If you really want to find a product for loosing weight I can't suggest or recomend anything in perticular. Most people do not see results from these products they just see results from diet and exercise :jump1:
thats what I'm trying is diet and exercise. i just want to make sure I'm getting the most out of my exercise. 'cuz I'm not going to complain if i gain muscle while trying to loose weight.
If you want to get the best out of your work outs this is basicly what is suggested:

Creatien before work out, whey protien after. Diet. Exericse.

Though how old are you? Creatien should only be taken by people above the age 18 and is defintly not something to just buy and take. Make sure you do extensive research on this on your own. Creatien monohydrate (a form of creatien) is what you want in your products. But be CAREFUL. If you ever need to ask a questin about creatien your not ready to take it is my golden rule.

Whey protien after a work out is just abosutly needed if your trying to lean out or bulk up.

For losing weight one word: DIET, testing shows its even more important than exercising.

If you want to lose weight make sure you eat less calories then you expend in your work outs, depending on how much you exercise and your body type you will need less or more calories.
thats what I'm trying is diet and exercise. i just want to make sure I'm getting the most out of my exercise. 'cuz I'm not going to complain if i gain muscle while trying to loose weight.
In that case you can even just eat healthy food, drink plenty of water and exercise. You don't have to take supplements.
In that case you can even just eat healthy food, drink plenty of water and exercise. You don't have to take supplements.

so are there good supplements to take while loosing weight?