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Agent Jay

New member
Just saying hi. I'm a 46 year old male who thought he could do it all himself without the need for support. I was wrong. I look forward to reading other people's posts to encourage myself to stay on the road to self improvement. I'm so tired of hating myself and seeing life pass me by.
Hi, Jay & welcome to the forum. You will find lots of support here, especially over in the diary section. Check out a couple of the sticky threads at the top & provide us all with a bit more info re your diet, exercise etc. Please don't give yourself a hard time. We are all a work in progress & I don't know any perfect people.
The link is
when i was in my early 40's i dropped down to a healthy BMI through an insane amount of bike riding but in retrospect i should have realized it was something that could not be sustainable for long. so over the next few years and into a decade or two, the weight gradually came back. now in my 60's i finally got a lot smarter about nutrition and this time i have a sustainable plan. good luck in finding yours.
Thanks for your responses. I have researched nutrition so much over the years. I know what works. It's just a question of willpower and dedication. My problem is that I have no sense of self worth or self esteem, and you need to love and care about yourself in order to *want* to improve.
My problem is that I have no sense of self worth or self esteem, and you need to love and care about yourself in order to *want* to improve.
Not to mention to care enough to give your body food that isn´t just "functional" for health and weightloss but also enjoyable. Willpower alone may get you down to a normal weight but long-term it often ends with binging.
I don't know you at all, but I know that you are worth loving & deserve to be cared for & looked after. If I can have that faith & belief in you I think you can learn to as well.
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