New Years Resolutions (luv em)


New member
Ok i know they are cheesy and some hate them but goes nothin!!

1. Exercise for 1 hour 4 times a week
2. Weight train for 1 hour 3 times a week
3. Volunteer at the homeless shelter one day a week
4. Have a date with each one of my guys once a month (2 sons and a Hubby)
5.Have a girls night out with my girlfriends once a month (oh yeah)
6.This year i will go parasailing

thats it these six are my must do's and also have blast is 2007 and enjoy my new heath to the fullest!!!!! Tell me yours!!!!
and by the way this is the first year in about 10 years my #1 was not start on a diet........*tears of joy*:eek: :D
I like this and I have so many lol!!

1-Look and feel healthier
2-get out and do more with my kids-swimming-camping-amusement parks
3-treat my hubby a little nicer I am always depressed and I do take it out on him alot
4-hmmmm wear a bathing suite maybe tankini if I look damn hott lol
5-get a job outside the home(no more mommy daycare)
6-keep exersicing and maybe write a book(I have always wanted to do that)
1. Try not to look at the big picture, but just the small one. I seem to feel overwhelmed and I get the feeling of "I can't do this" if I look to far in the future. Just take it day by day.
2. Exercise 6 days a week.
3. Weigh my only once a week.
4. If I want something, and its not too bad, then I'll eat it and not feel guilty.
5. Record what I eat everyday.
6. Try to love myself more and stop wanting everything to be perfect.
I usually only make one resolution, so here it is...

1. To take care of my appearance every day.

Usually I just shower, throw on some semi-appropriate clothes and go to work. No make-up, no jewelry (sometimes not even my wedding ring), clothes are only semi matched, not fashionable and often wrinkly. Rarely shave my legs and never put on lotion. On weekends (when we're going out) I do all of those things, but most of the time I just don't bother. Part of it is just being lazy, part of it was being fat and not being able to find clothes I liked, so I just bought whatever fit and learned to not care. I also think there was a certain amount of hiding (from life and others) involved. I want to care again. It makes a huge difference in how I carry myself, how I feel about myself and how I react to others.

So, from now on I will only buy clothes that I love and that make me feel attractive. I will not wear them if they are wrinkly, stained or ill-fitting. I will put on at least eye liner, blush and lip gloss. I will brush my hair. *laugh* I will wear appropriate jewelry. I will not fug my way through life. I'm actually quite attractive when I don't look like a schlep.
1. I will watch no more than 2 hours of television a day - and that includes time spent with just the television on as background noise (which is 99 percent of the time)

2. I will read one book per week and get my brain cells functioning again and use the time spent watching television reading.

3. I will find a hobby that holds my interest.
not sure how i will accomplish this, but i'll start with finding craft stores and seeing what classes are offered.

4. I will take some cooking classes that interest me.
get added to the mailing list of the local grocery store and cheese shop that offer occassional classes, investigate more classes as well

5. I will save no less than 250 dollars per month.

6. I will continue to maintain my food journal and continue to keep doing what has been working for me with my weight.

7. I will get the trial membership to Bally's health club or another loca heath club and see if the club does meet my needs and then purchase a membership if it does.

8. I will start volunteering my time, starting with checking what opportunities are available at VolunteerMatch: Where Volunteering Begins or contact some of the national organizations I've volunteered with in the past, including big sisters.

9. I would love to meet a fella that actually interests me, but I have no plan for that and resolutions without a plan of attack fail... I'm sick of personals - they don't work for me, and neighbor boys are interested in boys not old women -
1. (pretty much the same as blackwdw) take effort with appearance, even though i love my trackys and baggy t-shirt, but when your in the house who see's you lol (althou i should have learnt after mates come over unexpectedly, or my brothers hot mates and im wearing sporting paint splattered clothes and unbrushed hair), but i do think htat if i did take care of my appearance, hten i would also be inclined to eat right and exercise too. So its like a knock on effect, which leads on to my second new years resoulution.
2. Eat as healthily as i can with the food available. Ok so thers not always a green salad available when you want one. but by having mash potato instead of chips, nuts or fruit instead of crisps, water instead of lemonade ect ect.
3. Instead of spending 5 hours sat at the computer, get out and exercise. My motto should be 'if the suns up, go outside'. But in my defence, it is pretty dark by like 4pm, and i get home at quarter to 4. Meaning i have to either go out in the dark, or do crunches, or sit ups or something.
4. Also replace exessive computer/tv time with something more constructive/educational, like reading. But definetly not eating
5. Eating is not a hobby (not a resolution, but somehting i need to remember)
6. Dont leave revision for important exams to the night before. The results from the exams i took last month, will probably prove whether the method of cram revising 2 years of material into 10 minutes worked. Hmm. Anywho.
7. Keep my life in order. Tidy house, tidy mind.
8. Act my age more, ok im 15, yet i act like, well older than i am sometimes. Im far to responsible, and think wayyyyyy to much, i started worrying about death, global warming at the age of 9, and from then on, often questioned the meaning of life and concept of god and religon. Lol, i didnt really understand what i was thinking about i dont htink back then.
9. Relax. I know your probably thinking spending like 12 weeks of the year doing nothing but internet surfing and watching tv sounds pretty relaxing, but i never actually like relax, in the quiet, which i think i need to do. Anywho now ive pointed out everyhitng im not, lets change myself. lol well not actually changing my personality id never do htat for anyone.
10. Stop talking so much
11. Stop being a total hypocrite
12. Stop thinking im funny
13. Stop confusing people
14. Stop getting hyper.
there's nothing wrong wiht talking a lot- as long as you know how to listen :D and absolutely nothing at all wrong with thinking you are funny - youu are funny here... just enjoy yourself... and while worrying about things you can't change just causes gray hair - don't ever think its bad to be responsible... that's really appreciated in one as young as you are.. :D
:) Aww, finally someone htinks im funny, lol. I just saw what it says under your name (forum mother ect) Lmao.
a 15 year old, who wishes they were born in the 19th century for some reason. I hope mr rochester can time travel.. Lol, ok maybe i act fairly mature (occasionaly), but i was brought up with a older brother which might have had something to do with it, plus i was one of the older ones of like a million cousins, so maybe that aged me up a bit lol.
But saying htat, i turn right back into a 5 year old, around christmas, birthdays ect, and when i start laughing, with friends, i go insane. But part from that lol
that was bestowed upon me at another site i spend too much time at - it' because i'm incredibly bossy :D like most people's mommas :D

Lol, i wish i could be bossy, but im usually to shy to be assertive (i feel another new years resolution coming along)
Ooooh, I was wondering when this thread would appear. :) I have a few for this year -I'm quite excited about 2007 really. My resolutions in a nutshell:

1. I will reach a weight I'm happy with
2. I will finish two qualifications I am starting in the New Year at work
3. I will keep my nails nice, I will keep my hair looking better (less scruff!)
4. I will make more effort with my wardrobe
5. I will see my friends more often, and have more "quality" time with my boyfriend :)
6. I will have far less fizzy drinks (I have been living on diet coke)
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1) Reach the weight I'm happy with and go on a shopping spree!!

2) Take care of my appearance
meaning wear my contacts everyday, do my hair, put on makeup ect..

3) Go to the gym everyday it's open!

4) Make friends!
I'm a shy person so this is kind of hard for me
1. I will watch no more than 2 hours of television a day - and that includes time spent with just the television on as background noise (which is 99 percent of the time)
Didn't happen... I don't watch television but it's always on as background noise to drown out neighbor's background noise

2. I will read one book per week and get my brain cells functioning again and use the time spent watching television reading.
Didn't happen - I think I've read one book per month... and that's a stretch

3. I will find a hobby that holds my interest.
not sure how i will accomplish this, but i'll start with finding craft stores and seeing what classes are offered.

Didnt happen.. unless whining counts as a hobby and I don't think that does

4. I will take some cooking classes that interest me.
get added to the mailing list of the local grocery store and cheese shop that offer occassional classes, investigate more classes as well
Didn't happen - I did try to sign up for two different classes, but they were date classes and wouldn't take singles...

5. I will save no less than 250 dollars per month.
Didn't happen
6. I will continue to maintain my food journal and continue to keep doing what has been working for me with my weight.
Ok so I did do this one ...

7. I will get the trial membership to Bally's health club or another loca heath club and see if the club does meet my needs and then purchase a membership if it does.
I did do this one but haven't been in the club for months because too many little things ticked me off about it...

8. I will start volunteering my time, starting with checking what opportunities are available at or contact some of the national organizations I've volunteered with in the past, including big sisters.
Didn't happen -

9. I would love to meet a fella that actually interests me, but I have no plan for that and resolutions without a plan of attack fail... I'm sick of personals - they don't work for me, and neighbor boys are interested in boys not old women -
Didn't happen..

So much for best laid plans... I guess this s why I don't normally make resolutions - i seem to have trouble sticking to them...

Working on my goals for 2008 in the next week or so and will hav a plan of attack to achieve those goals - that was my biggest problem this year - or my excuse anyhow - no real plan for achieving my goals...