Yes, I completely agree with you. If I can get away from the sugars, I don't think about them so much and don't crave them any more. But it is breaking the dang habit to begin with! So so hard!
I have my annual health exam scheduled for this afternoon and I'll ask for lab tests to see how my blood values are doing. Part of my recent health-related reading reinforced that sugars are a major culprit in terms of cholesterol problems. I've been eating moderatly low carb since about August 2012 when I mostly eliminated wheat as I suspected a wheat allergy. The wheat elimination was good for me (it helped with a number of problems that I would put in the 'pesky' rather than serious category) and in general, I think my sugar/starch consumption is lower. Anyway, I'll be curious to get the blood test results to see. My cholesterol has always been good, but there is always room for improvement!
So, this thread caused me to look in my journal to see what did I actually write down as goals for the year aside from the max soda's at 8 and weight maintenance? There are some fairly specific items I'm working on (or supposed to be working on...):
* Toes to bar - I want to be able to do 20 continuous, I'm at 3 or 4 at the moment. I usually do 4 sets of 3 or 4 on a day when I'm working on this. I'll do more as the weather warms up and I can start using my tricky bars at home for this. The gym is tough - hard to get my turn on the bars.
* Pullups - 10 continuous is the goal. I'm able to do 4 most days, and usually do 3 or 4 sets of 4 when I'm working on this. Again, will be better when I can work on it at home. Actually, I love working on these at the gym because there are always other women who watch and usually comment that they would love to be able to do a pullup. It has taken a long time to get to where I am!
* Muscle ups - be able to do these from the low step (this is at home again) and do 4-8. Eventually, doing them without the step would be awesome!!
* Pushups with a clap - hmm, got a ways to go on this, but have been working just a little on pushing my hands off the surface for sets of 8.
Overall, working on balance, core, agility, flexibility, power, quickness, speed and overall strength. Nope, I don't want much!