New Vocabulary Words

So I'm on the phone this afternoon, trying to describe someone... and I was launching into a lengthy dissertation of what I didn't trust about this person.. when I got stopped... to make my point in 5 words... (the meeting was running long - too many other big talkers)

I paused...

My sentence was.. He's a sleazel... :D

Now I had every intention of saying that I thought he was a sleazy weasel but alas my brain and mouth got jumbled and thus a new word was born... And actually I rather like the word, I know a few people who fit the description pretty well...

What's your new word for the day.. :D
Sleazel.. I like that!
I tend to mix words together because I talk to fast!

'That sounded so grood.' (good and great together)
'Fantabulous' (fantastic and fabulous)
