New to working out

I'm 33, 6'2", 200lbs. I've just started working out last week, because I feel out of shape. I'm looking to put on some muscle, get some energy, and relocate some of my weight (belly and sides). I'm doing machines right now until my body gets accustomed to working out. I'm doing 2 sets of 12, and on the 12th rep I either can't quite finish or just barely finish. Right now I'm doing standing calf press, leg press, leg curl, leg extension, shoulder press, bench press, vertical row, lower back, biceps, and triceps every other day. I do abs every day. Next week I think I'm going to start doing 3 sets, and I'm going to start doing cardio every day. In a few weeks I'm going to move to freeweights.

So far, I really like it. I like the way I feel after I'm done working out. But, I have no idea if I'm doing things right. I'm actually looking to GAIN weight in the form of muscle, and lose my fat.

So, here's my questions: What should I be eating? How much should I be eating? How's my workout? Should I do more sets of lower reps to gain muscle, or are sets of 12 good?
If you are reaching failure at the end of your second set, the weights sound okay. You might want to reduce the reps to 10 and try adding another set (looking to fail on around the 8th rep) like you suggested.

If you want to shift that fat, you are right to add cardio. On weight training days, its usually a good idea to leave the cardio until after the weights and limit it to around 40 mins. I also do cardio on my off days (non weight days) anything up to 2hrs but, that may be excessive!

As for what you should eat, thats a tricky one as you want to gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time so, I'm not sure what your calorie intake should be. It may be better to tackle the fat primarily (in terms of diet) and then look to bulk up once you have reached your goals. You certainly need to eat protein though, my favourite sources are chicken and protein supplements (shakes and bars). I don't know too much about the complexities of diet so, I'll leave that side of it for someone else to answer...
The food side is always THE challenge. It was for me...but unless you take that side seriously, you are not going to be happy with your results.

First thing is you will have to start eating 5-6 times/day. I do 3 meals and 2 snacks. The food has to be well rounded (protien/carb/veg)....and then the portions have to be probably smaller than you are used to. Basically, your calories in, have to be ultimately less than what you take in. The more complex carbs and proties, the better. But, I don't know you and your particular case, so its tough to really be specific.

After age 30 our metabolisms start to slow down. You can boost it by eating right and exercising, but it is a fact of life. The things that you did at 20, just won't work when you are 30+