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This is my first post to weight loss fitness.
I started on my weight loss / fitness journey about 3 years ago, I have always been active but never lost weight. The issues were that our children were growing up and life was moving very fast, and never had the chance to eat right and take care of myself. I have started a blog link removed that if anyone wants can read and provide your input. My motivation to get into better shape was fear, wow that was a crazy day! I will explain briefly that one day at work there was a blood drive, I went and started the process to the different station paper work. The usual questions Height, Age, Drinking, etc..., next station Blood Pressure and when was the last time you have given blood. Now all of the blood people are talking and looking at me and I am saying to myself something is not right. They came over to me and said that I was unable to give blood as my blood pressure was very high, that is enough to scare anyone. Work has been stressful so I calmed down went back to work. The next day I went to the doctor and yes I had high blood pressure. Now not to bore you all my blood pressure is great now, all because I exercise and eat healthy. You need to get to that motivational point that is going to push you to take care of yourself first!

Thanks for reading my first post.
Peter Mylonas
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Hi Peter,

I totally agree! We need to be personally and genuinely motivated to make a fitness/weight loss journey successful.
Congrats for your results :)
Hi Peter,

I too had a very similar scare. I’d already started losing weight but went to the donor center early this year to make my first donation. While I was there waiting a guy came in to donate and was saying a month before hand he’d come in and couldn’t donate because his pressure was too high. That got me thinking ... what was mine going to do?

My turn came and I just scraped through at 158/100! I was gobsmacked! How on earth could it be that high? I made myself a pact ... eat healthy, keep a food diary and exercise daily (I was already doing this minus the diary but I was to step it up) I also bought an at home tester and have been testing myself every few days. It’s anazing how much it fluctuates. 3 weeks later I tested myself today. And got 116/73. Officially in the normal range!

I’m so relieved and proud of myself for getting it down. Although I know it can and will spike again if I stop looking after myself but I’m confident I’ve created new habits for life now.