New to walking - when and when not to eat

Hi guys,

I'm new to exercise and I've just bought a treadmill as I have trouble getting out and about.

I've been going on the treadmill daily for about 38 minutes at a speed of 3.5. I'm very serious about getting fit so I would like to ensure my weight loss and cardio workouts are effective as possible.

Is there an ideal time to eat before or after when walking on the treadmill? I read somewhere (can't remember where) that one shouldn't eat two hours before (or it may have been after) exercise. Is this true?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

The general premise behind the two hour rule is to give your food time to digest prior to an intense exercise session. The less intense the session, the less time you'd need to wait after eating.
Actually the time depends on what you eat and how much you have eaten... it's not mandatory to have two hours break before and after workout / treadmill. The fact is that not eating well can actually make your workouts less effective. Skipping meals can make you feel faint while exercising. Plus, you will be more likely to overeat later.
Eating too much before a workout isn't a good idea, either. Your body can't digest a heavy meal while you're being very active. So, its important to be aware of how much your eating and what are you eating, and when ? Drink at least one 8 glass of water before and after your workout / treadmill...
It's not going to make much difference, and since I believe you should eat frequently, my advice would be not to worry about waiting to eat.