help for brand new part 1
k here we go srry bout all that
well im 15 years old and ive been working out since i was 12 but i have only just started taking it seriously for almost a year now..but i have looked up on how to eat right...wat vitamins do for u and how to get those certain vitamins...ill tell u those in a minute but as for protein shakes id stay away from those..u can do it if u want but i dont..then again im just 15 but excess protein that u dont use can be made into fat and im not sure how much protein u would be takin it but im guessing it would be more than u need at one time
2nd of all u need to eat lots of carbs and protein..just not like 35g or somthin like a protein shake at one time lol
carbs if u didnt know are ur bodies main source of energy..without carbs ur body breaks down sugars into glucose which will be efficient energy for a short amount of time...sort of like a big burst of not quite sure about the could be some other form of energy but im pretty sure its glucose..this would be alot ezer if i had my science book with me..anyways carbs are the best way of using energy so dont do the atkins diet plz lol its a load of crap mostly..its bad for u in the future..especially ur kidneys and they will probably go into kidney failure later..and i kno srry this is alot of info but i am trying to help and u can just stop reading at any time if u feel like this isnt going to help
as for how muscle works if u didnt know building muscle is made by microscopic tears u make in ur muscle fibers by working out(tearing them)..protein rebuilds them and feeds the muscle u already have...each tear u have rebuilds itself bigger and stronger than it was b4 almost like ur bones do when they break..protein is the mineral ur body uses to make repairs and growth on ur muscles so u need lots of it but not too much ull find a good balance eventually and i wouldnt worry about it too much but i wouldnt recommend anything that has just a whole lot of grams of protein
long workouts with lots of reps create more definition and short workouts with heavy weights and low reps give muscle mass...slower work outs will give u endurance and strength and ive heard that the strong ones that make u look buffer dont always make u stronger..this comes from my own experience alittle bit...of course none of this is going to work if u don put the right nutrients into u..ill list the vitamins..wat they are good for..wat happens if u have a deficiency and where u get them to help..importances listed wont only be for body building but just overall good health
For those of u who dont want to see this..just go to part 2 of my does get boring after awhile i have to admit..however if u are someone who would like to know why these vitamins are so vital to ur body feel free to read..or just skim over it
Vitamin A Importance: Necessary for growth and repair of body tissues; helps maintain smooth, soft diseas-free skin; help protect the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat, and luns; thereby reducing susceptibilty to infection; protects against air pollutants; counteracts night-blindness and weak eyesight; aids in bone and teeth formation. Current medical research shows that foods rich in Vitamin A will help reduce the risk of lung cancer and certain oral cancers.
Deficiency: May result in night blindness; increased susceptibily to infections; rough; dry; scaly skin; loss of smell and appetite; frequent fatigue; lack of tearing; defective teeth and gums' retarded growth
Where to get it: mainly from fruits like apricots and cantaloupe and vegetables like carrots and pumpkins..u can also get it from fortified milk
Vitamin B1
lays a key role in the body's metabolic cycle for generating engery; aids in the digestion of carbs; esential for the normal fuctioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart; stabilizes the appetite; promotes growth and good muscle tone
Deficiency: May lead to loss of appetite; weakness and feeling tired; paraplysis and nervour irritability; insomnia; loss of weight; vague aches and pains; mental depressiona nd constipation; heart and gastrointestian problems.
Where to get it....ill tell u later after all the B vitamins because i have a list of it..but its just basicly all of them...srry i couldnt get the individual ones
B2:Necessary fro carb, fat and protein metabolism; aids in the formation of antibodies and red blood cells; maintains cell respiration; necessary for the maintenance of good vision, skin, nails and hair; alleviates eye fatigue; promotes general health
Deficiency symptoms: may restult in itching and burning eyes; cracks and sores in the mouth and lips; blooodshot eyes; purplish tongue; dermatitis; retarded grothw; digestive distrubances; trembling; sluggishness; oily skin.
B6:Necessary for the synthesis and breakdown of amino acids, the building blocks of protein, aids in fat and carb metabolism; aids in the formation of antibodies; maintins the central nervous system; aids in the removal of excess fluid of prementrual women; promotes healthy skin; reduces muscle spasms, leg cramps, hand numbness, nausea, and stiffness o fhands; helps maintina a proper balance of sodium an dphosphorous in the body.
Deficiency symptoms: may result in nervousness; insomnia, skin eruptions, loss of muscular control, anemia, mouth disorders, muscular weaknesss, deramtits, rm and leg cramps, loss of hair, slow learning , and water retention
B12: Helps in the formation and regeneration of red blood cells, thus helping prevent anemia, necessary for carb, fat and protein metabolism; maintains a healthy nervous system; promotes growth in children; increases energ; needed for Calcium absorption.
Deficiency: May lead to pernicious anemia, poor appetite, growth failure in children, tiredness, brain damage, nervousness, neuritis, degeneration of spinal cord, depression, lack of balance.
Where to get the Vitamins B:meats like pork beef and chicken and leafy vegetables and certain types of bread...srry dunno wat kinds
Srry forgot does just about all the other ones lol
Vitamin C:Essential for healthy teeth, gums and bones; helps heal wounds, scar tissue, and fractures; prevents scurvy; builds resitsance to infection; aids in the preventiona dn treatment o fthe common cold; gives strnth to the blood vessels; aids in the absorption of iron. It is required for the synthesis of colagen, the intercellular"cement" which holds tissues together. It is also on eof th emajaor anitoxidant nutrients.It prevents the conversion of nitrates into cancer-causing substances..such as tobacco smoke...smog..bacon stuff like that .....It will decrease ur risk of getting certain cancers by 75% according to scientists.
Deficiency: May lead to soft and bleedin gums, swollen or painful joints, slow-healing wounds and fractures, bruising, nosebleeds, tooth decay, loos of appetite, muscular weakness, skin hemorrhages, capillary weakness, anemia, impaired digestion.
Where to get Vitamin C: fruits like oranges lemons watermelon strawberries...vegetables like tomatoes and brocolli
Vitamin D:Improves absorption and utilization of Calcium and Phosphorous; required for the bone and teeth formation; maintains a stable nervous system and normoal heart action.
Deficiency: May lead to rickets, tooth decay, softening of the bones, improper healing of fractures, lack of vigor, muscular weakness, inadequate absorption of calcium, retention of phosphorous in the kidneys.
Where to get Vitamin D: milk, pudding, eggs, tuna and also by getting strong amounts of sun ur body makes its own Vitamin D
Vitamin E:Major anti-oxidant nutrient; retards cellular aging due to oxidation; supplies oxygen to the lbood which is then carried to the heart and other organs; thus alleviating fatgue; aids in bringing nourishment to cells; strenghtens the capillary walls and prevents the red blood cells from destructive poisons; prevents and dissolves blood clots; has also been used by doctors in helpin prevent sterilily, muscular dystrophy, calcium deposits in blood walls and heart conditions.
Deficiency: May lead to a rupture in red blood cells, loss of reproductive powers, lack of sexual vitalily, abnormal fat deposits in muscles, degenerative changes in the changes in the heart and other muscles; dry skin.
Where to get Vitamin E
ils..and not many places to get it lol
Vitamin K:used mainly for clotting ur blood when u get a cut or injured
Deficiency: bad blood clots or retarded clotting
Where to get Vitamin K: dark leafy vegetable and cheese.