Sport New to the site - Diet question - Pull-up Bar question

Sport Fitness
Hello I am new to the site (obviously) and I had a few things I need some help on

It seems you all get this a lot but... I need some diet help... I have read that for weight loss i need ~1400 calories per day... Im finding it hard to keep near that mark... So maybe the suggestions or a meal plan can help steer me in the right direction (preferably easy 'normal' foods)... I am 20 years old 5'5 185lb and my target weight is 155-165...

Also if anyone has any suggestions - I am looking to build/buy a pull-up bar of some sort... I really don't have the extra cash to throw at a power rack or anything like that - I am looking for something wide enough to do corncob pull-ups on...

Thanks in advance!


EDIT: I also drink a cup or 2 of green tea a day... Very little if any sugar
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Lucky for you there are lots of normal easy foods to eat.
Vegetables are your best friend for losing weight. They fill you up, and have a tone of nutrients, yet they have few calories. Lean meats like chicken breast and fish should be your main staples for lunch and dinner.

Also, it helps to prepare multiple meals at once. If you are stir frying or steaming vegetables, make 2 or 3 meals worth and reheat them later. Same goes with cooking meats or other foods.

Door frame pullup bars are usually only 20-40$ and are great for convenience and price. In terms of doing corn cobs, you might need to either hit up a gym, or go to a local park or something, most homes setups wont give you what you need
A couple of things that really help me, especially now that it's cooler out - I try to drink hot tea in between meals - it keeps me feeling full. Soup does the same and there are so many that are easy to make that are also low in calories, very nutritious and best of all - taste good. I try to make up a big batch so I have it on hand to heat leftovers for a couple of days.
For a pull up bar, something that would work and is cheap is a metal plumber's pipe. If you have access to floor joists in a basement, simply drill/cut out openings for the pipe to go into and there is your pullup bar.. your head will go in between the floor joists. Oh yea, buy the end caps so it can't fall out of the openings.
I recently bought and installed a pullup bar in my garage. Did a lot of surfing on the internet to investigate what's out in the market and prices. Ended up buying the most expensive, especially after shipping because it was so heavy.

I didn't go for those bars that are door mounted because I wanted my feet to clear the floor.

I suppose you could make a pullup bar on your own using off the shelf metal piping/ tubing.