Sport New to the forum, need some serious advice.

Sport Fitness
Hey everyone. I just stumbled upon this forum, and I'm so glad. I've been dying to get some feedback and/or advice about my diet program.I'm 19 and 6'2'' and at the start of summer, I was 200 lbs (after college of course!). I knew I wanted to slim down, so in the middle of July, I started on my journey.

I run 7 days a week, doing HIIT on Tues., Thurs., and Sunday. All other days, I run 4 miles (except Wed, I tone it down to 2 miles inbetween interval days). I can't join a gym due to lack of financial stability as of right now haha.

I eat 5-6 meals a day, 2 hours apart--
Breakfast: 2 egg whites, cheese, on whole wheat wrap.
Snack1: Whey protein with skim milk (25g protein, 120 cals)
Lunch: Usually turkey/chicken/tuna wrap with lettuce and fat free cheese, and a handful of grapes
Snack2: 1 tbsp of peanut butter/ fruit salad (grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon)
Dinner: Turkey/chicken/tuna wrap with lettuce and fat free cheese, fruit following
Snack3: Depends if I'm hungry or not. If so, ill have fruit.

I also probably drink from 1-2 gallons of water daily.

As of this morning, I weighed in at 180 lbs. (So that's roughly 20 pounds in 4 weeks or so).

My daily calorie intake is between 1200-1400, but just becasue I feel satisfied with eating what I do (My recommended is 2500 I believe).

HJowever, I do not want to go lower than 175 in weight, but I want to burn some fat without taking supplements.

What do you guys think? ANY sort of feedback is greatly appreciated.
I think you are way undershooting your calories. Twenty pounds is a lot to lose in just 4 weeks and I would be willing to bet that you are losing a lot more then just fat.

If you have not picked up on it yet, the loss of muscle is a killer to anyone trying to reach their goals. Your lack of nutrition coupled with no weight training is going to play a critical role in the fact that you are probably losing muscle, and thus slowing down your metabolism.

If you continue on this course, your "weight" loss will probably hault.
I didn't really know much info about losing weight going into this also. Everyone told me I didn't need to lose anything at 200 lbs, because I really didn't look fat---but my belly developed that layer of fat over the abs. All I kneww was what a friend who's in great shape told me: eat lean meats, reduce calories, and drink plenty of water. I also feel fine every day, while running, eating, etc. I never really feel fatigued or anything like that.

I'm a newcomer, so I need some more knowledge about what I need to do to maximize fat loss.
first off, your overtraining
cardio should be limited to 3 HIIT sessions a week...maybe 4.

Second- why are you losing weight? You're going to become scrawny at 6'2 170....imo you should be bulking, building muscle.

Are you doing any weight lifting? Muscle is the best burner of fat.
I'm not scrawny at all though, that's the thing. I have some fat around my stomach that Im dying to get rid of, and i do pushups and abs every night.

So the only running I should do is 3 times a week of HIIT?

And as I mentioned earlier, I can't afford a gym membership, so I'm not able lift or anything like that.

What changes should I make to my diet? Am I way off?
well, that's a lot of 'wraps' in my opinion. wraps are usually pitas, tortillas, etc...which means processed, refined flour, and thus low in fiber, with a high glycemic and insulin index.
maybe wouldn't be bad for a post workout carb depending on the fat, fiber and ingredients.

i too think you're grossly under eating, to the point you're likely in starvation mode, and burning lean muscle mass for energy. BAD.
Well the wraps are whole wheat, and I alternate between that and whole wheat bread.

I know I need to slowly boost my daily cals up to about 2400, so I think im just going to add a little to each meal I eat slowly.

Would that be a good idea? Or would someone be able to give me an enhanced diet to follow?

6'2'', 180 lbs. Want to bring it down to 175
But like I said, I feel perfectly fine, better than I've ever felt. This is the fittest I've ever been (and I played soccer for roughly 15 years).

I just need a remedy to bring my metabolism back up. Any ideas?