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New member
Hey everyone! My name's Madeleine but friends call me Tigny - my boyfriend started that name to mix the two animals that symbolize my personality...a tigress and a bunny, and thus far it's stuck.
In all honesty, I don't know what to say about me, I want to become a behavorial analyst - my boyfriend on the other hand is in a rapidly gaining success band ( FGT - Forest Green Tuesday ) soo that dream might have to wait til hype dies down and we can settle down ( we plan on getting married :) )
But other then that, I don't even know how to describe me. :D
welcome tigny!
hopefully by now you have begun to find your way around, if you need help, just ask! :)
Welcome Tigny

Sounds like you have alot going on in your life, try to remember to take time time for yourself because unless you have it together, everthing else has a way of falling apart!
Hi! Hope you find our forum a great help in your weight loss efforts. Its been such a huge part of my weight loss journey.

Your b/f is in a band huh? my hubby is too :p What does he play? My hubby does lead guitar.

Anyways...good luck and let me know if you have any questions!!
He's lead guitar and vocals and - thank God - they just found someone to play bass because as they were recording he also played the bass part since he was put in jail ( o_O) which, he should have fought, he had alibi's for all that she charged, but he didn't because he didn't think he could win against his ex...He's coming out soon though :D
Anyways, thank you all, I do really like it here :D
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