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New member
Hi everyone,

I am new to the site and hoping to receive some motivation in loosing weight gained while undergoing chemo for breast cancer. I am now over the one year mark since starting this ordeal, and feeling fine except for the 50 pounds I packed on. The prognosis for breast cancer is excellent, but my level of energy is down and my blood pressure up. So here I am one day at a time. Hope to chat with some of you.
welcome to the site and congrats on beating the cancer!
Congrats hun! Thats no little feat!

I'm sorry you gained some weight, but we will help you loose it again! You can start by keeping a diary. We all use it to keep track of our calories and excersize. What kind of 'plan' do you have in mind??

Let me know if you have any questions! We are here for you!!
Looks like you are moving in the right direction! Good for you. You sound like a strong woman, congrats on beating cancer. We'll be here for you taking it one day at a time with ya! Welcome.
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