new to running

hi im new to running and just wanted some advice

ive been weight training a while, and have good shoulders and arms, but im trying to tone my stomach. I sometimes diet and loose some weight but hit a brick wall after about 3 weeks dieting and give up. Ive just started running and im gradually increasing my distance everyday. I aim to run 3 miles comfortably by the end of the summer.
Will this running help tone my stomach if i eat well. Im nearly 20 and 6 foot 2 and weigh 195lbs

Any feedback will be appreciated. thanx
Hi !

Running will surely help toning your stomach. Some people say that everybody has plenty of ab muscles, however they may be covered by layers of fat. Running and proper breathing while running helps you get rid of that fat very quickly. Plus running helps you build incredible resistance and flexibility.

The most important things about running are:

1. Warm-up properly, from neck to feet. A proper warm up takes at least 8 minutes.

2. Eat lightly a couple of hours before running but try not to consume anything right before it.

3. Don't dehydrate but drink water in small portions. (Never wait until feeling thirsty).

4. When running speed up at the end of your distance rather then zooming off in the beginning and then running out of breath in the end.

5. Strecht after running (this will make you more flexible).

Eat stuff high in carbohydrates (like pasta and rice), avoid sweets altogether (eat vegis and fruits as snack), avoid red meat, high cholesterol stuff and bad fats.

I have enclosed a day-to-day running plan for 9 weeks. By following it it will help you work your way up to some serious running.
Print it out then check and write in your times after running sessions.

Good Luck!


  • running plan for 9
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from head to toe:
a. turn your head
b. roll limbs and hip forward and backward until you feel flexible
c. turn sides and center
d. stretch your limbs

you'll find excellent, detailed warm ups in aerobics programs