New to forum: opinions about cheat meals/ cheat days


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Hi, my name is Makiena, I've lost over 50 pounds in the last year and have struggled with my weight my entire life. I've been wondering about whether or not to incorporate at cheat meal to help subside cravings, but am fearful of the emotional trigger eating "bad food" causes me. Should I have a cheat meal on a specific day assigned for it? If so, how often? And how to I deal with the emotions if I decide to do so?
Welcome to the forum.

There is a tread on cheat days that would probably make interesting reading for you:
By classifying certain food groups as “bad” or “good” it not only creates an unhealthy relationship with food, but it can lead to more consumption of these “bad foods” than someone who doesn't look at foods as “good” or “bad”. It is one of those scenarios that what you can't have, you want more. It isn't sustainable for most people to eat only fruits and vegetables and lean meat every day of their lives. (or whatever you consider “clean” because there is no definition of it).

By having a “cheat day” it implies guilt which also creates an unhealthy relationship with food, and you also tend to over eat more than you would if you had a plan on your caloric consumption.

I’ll show you how to eat more on days you want to, without the guilt. But while still enjoying the foods you love, and remaining accountable for your actions. there is no such thing as “good”, “bad”, “clean”, or “dirty” foods that in fact you can eat whatever you want, and still see the results that you’ve always wanted. You can in fact have your cake and eat it too.
Hi Makiena, congrats on your loss! (Here it means a good thing ;))

Could you elaborate on what a cheat meal is for you? As in what are your normal meals and what "bad foods" would you eat on your cheat days? That would help provide some context around which we can give answers.