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Hi, I'm 46 and very close to my first day on Cohens. I've had the blood test, have my plan but now just double checking that it's right for me. I"m not worried about the food, I basically eat the foods anyway, I'm not a big drinker, in fact very rarely, so that's not an issue. I'm not a chocoholic, don't eat cakes and sweets, already have quite a diet of fruit and vegetables (just eat different ones to the diet) I walk the dog once a week and go to gym once a week so that's not a heavy exercise progam. What I'm worried about is the fact that it is a rapid weight loss, feedback on impacts on mensturation and gall stones. I'm a widow and really don't have support for the kids if I had to go to hospital and at my age, my periods are just about nothing, and I quite like it that way. I'm 85k and goal weight is 59-61 - my aim was 65. Has anyone experienced the side effects with gall bladder and changes to mensturation cycle. I read in one review that a lady had her periods for 2 weeks, I certainly don't want to go down that path. I'm quite healthy, just overweight, even my Dr wasn't concerned and told me to think about it first. Any thoughts?
Hi ntjt, Welcome to the forum & welcome to Cohen's.
I did Cohen's 3 years ago & lost 36kg in 28 wks. I had no side effects at all. I already had gallstones before I started ( a lot of us do but just aren't aware of it) and had no trouble with them at all, either during or after Cohens. Some people can have trouble after they finish I think but this may be due to re-introducing fatty foods to their diet. I used it as a good excuse/opportunity to not reintroduce them instead & have had no trouble at all.
I see you were aiming to get to about 4kg above what they recommend. May I suggest getting to the recommended goal weight & then adjusting back up a little if you are not happy with how you look. It is so much easier to do it that way & your body will stabilise better if you do. It is so much harder to go back & lose a few kilos later if you stop early.
It is daunting at the start & you will probably feel tired in the first week. After that it should be plain sailing. I found strenuous exercise had me dizzy on Cohen's so just be aware & be careful. Walking is good. After a week on Cohen's the feel-good hormones will kick in, you'll be used to it & you will feel great. Catch up again soon, Cate
thnks Cate, appreciate your thoughts, and so quickly. How have you managed with your weight since being on the program 3 yrs ago
Hi ntjt, that's ok. I have let about 5kgs creep back on this year but that was entirely my own fault. If you follow Cohen's maintenance guidelines where you can eat almost anything really then weight will not go back on. It works! I just got complacent & stopped being so vigilant. I didn't follow the guidelines. My biggest mistake was reading too much conflicting information about what you should & shouldn't eat, instead of trusting my own judgement & sticking with the Cohen's guidelines. I will always have to watch what I eat & that's ok. It is very hard to go back onto Cohen's original plan, when you have gotten used to the freedom but I know that I really need to so that I get rid of these pesky 5kgs. I know some of it is muscle but not all. I really recommend Cohen's. Most people who put weight back on do not change their bad habits & their lifestyle. If you are determined not to go back ever then you, too, can do it. Bye for now, Cate