New Runner is Slow...

Hey everyone,

I made track, but I've begun late. Right now I'm feeling a little depressed because I am so slow. I only make 200 Meters when everyone else finishes the 400! I can't even jog the whole way. I run-walk-jog. -_-;;; It's humiliating but I really hate being a quiter so I was just hoping I could get a pep talk or something. It's just eating me alive.

Please reply,

How did you make track if you cant run 200m? But Everyone has to start somewhere. Arnold did
Not cool!


Just because I can't run well my first time shouldn't mean I'm not allowed to run at all. I've just begun late is all, and it is getting me down. It's like how a person in a wheel chair loves to be out in the woods. It's not impossible for them to "hike" they just need some motivation and incouragment. I mean, what good is a person with legs if they don't go for a hike that a handy-caped person fights to do?!

I think I have a right to run simply because I want to, but I also would like some incouragment... I really don't think it would work if I was slow forever. I'd be slowing down the team and looking like a nerd (which I am, but that is dispite the point).


Thats why i said everyone has to start somewhere! No one said that you didnt have the right to run espescially not me! I only got a passion for fitness after I got out of rehab it replaced coccaine if I had a right to run anyone does.
No-Body.... you're struggling to cant assume you're just going to be able to run real fast real well right've got to work you way up to it.
Don't get me wrong, i'm no personal trainer...yet, but i'm going to try to help you out a little bit here.
so you say you struggle to even jog a 200?
its O.K. dont be too hard on yourself, if its been forever since you've ran or even attempted any physical activity...thats going to happen. should try walking first, then work your way up to jogging, then running...its simple:)
just increase your speed everytime you walk...push yourself...if you want it as much as it seems you do...dont give up.
thats all i'm going to leave you for now..if you have questions...just message me, i'm more than happy to help. take care...and good luck....remember....Mind over Matter! ;)
Aww don't let anybody get you down. You are just starting, and it takes awhile to build speed. Do you have more years left to run track? Just make this year your 'tryout' season. Just get your body used to running. Don't worry about pushing yourself too hard (you might grow to hate it, burnout, and not run again!) You want running/exercise to be a life-long activity.

When I ran cross country in high school, there was this one guy who was the slowest on the guy's team. He just plain like to run though, no matter if it was fast or not. He provided a lot of encouragement to the better runners and got along real well. It's really important to be a part of the team, whether you are fast or not. Everyone appreciates a friend/teammate who keeps at it no matter what, no matter how good, no matter how fast. Don't compare yourself to others. Compete with yourself, your own times. Each little advancement means a lot.

You don't have to be the best to make a difference and have a good time!

Have you ever read any of John "The Penguin" Bingham's stuff? You should. . It's great :) You'll enjoy it.

Keep it up and good luck.