New Routine

Ok people, i haven't been to the forum in years, but i can now afford a gym membership so I'm back in the weight training game. For the last two months i've been doing an upper/lower split which has worked well. Now, to change it up a bit, i'm doing a different split of chest/tris, back/bis, and shoulders/legs/abs. Lookin for a bit of critique! Here's the schedule:

Day 1: Bench, Incline bench, decline bench, chest flyes, tricep pulldowns, close grip bench press.

Day 2: Pullups, lat pulldowns, bent over dumbbell rows, cable rows, hammer curls, barbell curls.

Day 3: Squats, Deadlifts, calf raises, military press, lateral raises, shoulder press, side bends, crunches, hanging leg raises.

Day 4: Rest

Day 5: Repeat

How does this look to everyone? Feel free to tell me what I'm lacking or doing too much of. Thanks for your input!
Very interesting, I just started the same splits. Your routine is solid but you may want to consider moving the deadlifts to your back days. Squats and deadlifts are big power moves and a lot to do on the same day.
Yeah I did squats and deadlifts yesterday, and it wasn't too bad. I've seen a lot of debate on which day to do deadlifts (leg or back), but i noticed that after doing them yesterday, today my traps are incredibly sore, so I may keep it on my leg/shoulder day. What does everyone else prefer?