Weight-Loss New Plan, Will It Work?



New member
For a couple months i have been attempting to lower my calorie intake daily to lose weight. I did the math and figured if i lost 500 a day i would be good. This went on for not more than a week and just completely snapped, one night i ate beyond satisfaction and just kept going. So i tried to go with having one day a week where ill eat up to my daily limit to maintain weight, and the rest a 500 calorie loss. Even with this plan i snapped and did the same. That night I devised a new plan that works out with and ill lose a fair amount of weight for my deadline. My plan is to loss 500 every other day, on the others days ill eat to my calorie limit. Would this plan help tie down my sudden out breaks of eating? Or is this not a healthy or efficiant way of losing?
the most efficient way of losing weight is by being consistent with your habits... exercise and food wise...

What are your current stats (height/age/weight/gender)
What is your current calorie range that you're taking in?
What is your current level of activity?

What's up with the deadline?
My guess is that your uncontrolled binges are more due to what you are eating or not eating and not based strictly on calorie count. You might want to list what you are eating each day (perhaps in a diary) to see where you are lacking. You can go down 500 calories a day by cutting out all the bread that you eat, but if you aren't getting your protein and fiber and such, you will be starved.