New, overwhelmed, and puny! Any Tips?

Hello all, new to the forums!

I am a 19 year old male, and I am trying to get in shape. I am 5'8", 140 lbs, so I am not very overweight, just no muscle! My metabolism is a little slow too.

Anyways, I have wanted to get in shape for a long time (doesn't everyone?). For a while in high school I had weight training with baseball, and I started to build some muscle, but since college, everything has disappeared.

So could anyone point me in the way of the best-bang-for-buck (I am very busy with school) exercises for a puny little college kid? My main problem is ignorance of what my routine should be. There is so much information that it gets overwhelming!

I just really need some pointers about building muscle the right way. I can't say that I would go all out with the protein shakes and gym membership, but I do have an "all-in-one" type exercise machines with up to 100lbs, a bench press set, and a really long road to run on.

I'll be honest, my main motivation for working out is that I will be married within a few years time. I don't want to look or feel whimpy on the big night, and believe me, for a guy who has sworn to waiting till marriage for any sexual activity, it is a huge night! (by the way, I wouldn't mind any tips on exercises that are good for sexual health, too)

So any links or articles that you find suitable, I would appreciate!

Aw man, no quick pointers?

Well, so far I have stopped drinking soda (I used to drink two cans a day), but I've been burning through the skim milk about 1/2 gallon a day.

I've been eating low fat yogurt everyday, too.

I don't like fruit very much, so I need to do something about that. Any tips?

Are eggs still healthy?( they keep changing their minds, so I can't keep up)

Should I buy R.B.B.'s ebook off of ebay?

Whats the most effective way to work your abs(what technique and how often)? My all-in-one machine has a pull down bar, if that helps.

I'm still to much of a newbie to take up space in the other parts of the forum with these simple questions, so I just thought I'd ask it here.

I'm still to much of a newbie to take up space in the other parts of the forum with these simple questions, so I just thought I'd ask it here.

Don't be silly, personally i odn't even pay attention to the newbie forums that much. Seems people get more help in other sections.

The yolk is bad for you. They never changed there mind about that :)

I could be having a Homer moment but what is R.B.B?