New Member


New member
Hello all!

I'm 31 and ready to lose some weight through diet and exercise. Hoping to find support, weight loss challenges and friends for motivation.
Welcome to the forum :)
Welcome to the forum. Hope you like it. Reading the stickies at the top of each heading is helpful. Starting a diary is a good way of getting support. Have a look at a few & see what you think.
Thanks Cate. I just checked out the second sticky for this section:

31, male
250 lbs (almost 18 stones for those across the pond)
5' 10"
Diet is all over the place, bad habits. I'm looking to do a juicing reboot starting tomorrow, and then transition to nutrisystem.
Exercise is not consistent enough, occasional jogging, but only short periods of time, using a couch to 5k app.
Don't forget to plan where you want to be in 2 months. Assign goals every week and hit them. just the fact that you hit a goal every week will motivate you to keep going forward!
These goals will also help you with;
1- Breaking down the barrier of just doing it
2-Feeling better
3- Motivation (another barrier called laziness)
4 -Results and hungry for more

By challenging your mind to do this every week, your body will adapt and lose weight.

-Make a Monthly Goal of where you want to be and DO IT No Matter What! the first step is the hardest!