New member - Hi i'm Kyle - Any help appreciated.


New member
Hi there my Name is Kyle - Im 28 years old, and I've always had a problem with my weight - even talking about it is pretty tough..

I weigh 19.7 stone - 6ft 2in

Ill be honest - It effects me massively, not wanting to leave the house, making excuses not to see my friends. In recent years i have become far more self conscious... Being the big guy isn't always fun, and the funny guy routine wares "thin" after 20 years or so.

I have tried dieting , i just have real trouble sticking with them - Or set myself unreasonable tasks ( 2 bowls of bran flakes per detect..)

I do have a supportive girlfriend - who is great but i feel awkward in public, like i don't deserve her - and she has even said a few times i do need to lose bit of weight.. Initially that really upset me, but she is right.

I have tried the gym, but again my insecurities make it fairly unbearable - I do try to walk everyday - But subconsciously again i feel insecure as if people are judging / laughing at me... I always prefer to try and cover up with a coat or jumper - and genuinely prefer when its raining / cold so i wont have to wear a t shirt.. even going as far wearing a compression top to hide my man boobs when wearing a shirt or going out ... Sounds crazy i know...

Its clear that its a vicious cycle - Im fat because i don't exercise enough and i comfort eat ... but I'm miserable because I'm fat.

I find it very hard to talk to friends / family about this all - Ive always adapted the "cool guy " Persona ... I hope that doest come across arrogant, But I feel as if i try to convince everyone else I'm happy to live the lie myself.. Apologies if that makes no sense at all!

Well.. Genuinely this is a first for me regarding expressing my feelings/ worries, or even using an online forum - But any feedback would be massively appreciated.


Welcome to the forum.

You are definitely not alone in those feelings and that is key. There are generally 3 types of people:
- those that are thinking the exact same thing. They are so concerned about what others think of themselves they don't have time to judge others
- those that ARE judging others, but it's mainly because they are self-conscious about themselves and it helps make themselves feel better
- those that just don't care about anyone

Once you realize that 95% of people are too wrapped up in their own problems, you can walk around freely knowing that no one really cares. Obviously, easier said than done.
Hi Kyle,

I feel the exact same way! So your not alone in this. I gained alot of weight in the past 4 years from having has caused me to have depression, and stay away from people...period. But I want to change, I dont want to be in this "funk" any more. I want to be happy and confident with myself! Ive recently started walking more, counting calories (not that great), and drinking water instead of soda. Its the little things that helps :) Good luck to you!:)
Welcome Kayla. The small things can make the biggest difference. Once you get used to how many calories you should eat in a day, you won't need to calorie count anymore.