New Lifting Videos, need critique

I had the opportunity today to spend the extra time and take some videos. Please, if you have a moment, give me a thorough critique on my rights and wrongs.

Here are a few points that I immediately noticed upon my personal review:
1) For my squats I don't seem to go quite to parallel on a good number of reps. I'll have to focus on making sure that I hit that low before pushing back up.
2) Also on my squats my back appears not to maintain a perfect arch throughout the entire motion. I don't think it is curving, but it could be a little bit "tighter".
3) Lastly for my squats on some reps, specifically the harder ones towards the end, I am "good morning" it up most likely to make up for my lack of strength. I'm not sure if this is that big of an issue though.
4) For the shoulder press I am very uncomfortable with the amount of curvature in my back. I think this is definitely something I should be worried about unless this is how the lift is supposed to look? I'm not sure, but to me at least it doesn't look good.

Thanks Much,
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most of your reps are a bit shy of parallel.

Hard to see the back because of the safety pins.

And as you said, your back is arching quite a bit on the presses. If you don't want it to do that you simply have to lower the weight and focus more on not arching.

I did deload on my shoulder press a few weeks ago because of arching and yet now that I'm back to where I was it is just as bad. I can't seem to go higher up in weights without my back coming into play in the lift. Any suggestions?
Another day of lifting and I have fresh videos that both include some new lifts as well as the improvements I believe I have made on squats.

I still am "good morning" it up on some reps. I definitely think this is due to a lack of strength. I also noticed my knees tended to cave in very slightly on some of the pushes upward. I feel like both of these issues require slight tweeking or just plain time as my strength increases to correct. However, at the same time should I then decrease the weight until they are fully corrected? I'm not sure… Please comment on that question plus of course anything else I may have missed here.

Bench Press:
Overall I thought these were pretty much dead on. I did notice that my wrist tended to bend backward and in the future that may be an issue as the weight becomes heavier. I'll focus on correcting that. I also seem to be bouncing it off my chest in some reps. Again, like some of the problems with my squats, this is most likely a strength issue. And again I ask is it best to keep progressing, or should I decrease the weights and refocus on form? Also, of course include any other recommendations.

Thank god I took a video! This out of all my lifts by far concerns me the most. It is quite clear that my back is not properly arched and is obviously rounding. I think this is most likely due to my hips starting out too high. Next time my first change will be to drop those hips in my starting position and "lean back" to start the movement. Any other suggestions?

Thanks for all those who commented and continue to comment,
Mebbe you can comment by side of video which one is squat or bench and how much weight you are using. The ones I have seen of you doin squat, you are too high to call it squat. Try squat like this