New Lifter

Hey im Greg, i am on a quest to gain some muscle-weight

I have been taking Cell-Tech as my supplement but yet i havent gained weight

My workout scheduale is

Monday- Chest and Triceps
Tuesday-Biceps and Shoulders
Wednesday- Back And Abs
Thursday- Rest Day

i have been doing that for about 3 weeks maybe longer and i have yet to gain weight... i have actually lost weight between 149 down to 143

I have been eating a lot of food but am yet to gain weight

If anyone can help i thank you very much and please infrom me
Rippetoes Starting Strength Program instead of your own workout.
Eat More
if your just startin out working out i wouldn't isolate your body parts yet. doing chest tri back bi whatever it is you do thats for more advanced weight lifters. i would go on a push pull workout regiment and i don't see legs in there you need need need to work out your leg to have straingth gains and size gains.


push pull goes something like this

monday-chest, shoulder, tris
tueday-back ,bi, abs
wed- legs,calf

or if you don't like that kind of workout which think would help, try isolation

tues-back, traps
Eat more food, chech out the nutrition partion of this site. Also, drop your "split" routine. Check out some of the full body workouts that are already on the site too. They are proven to work time after time. I like the 5 by 5.
split routines work also it depends on who is doing them. i tried full body workouts and they ddin't work for me. so it depends who is doing them