new here

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New member
Hi I'm new here. I'm about 140 pounds, and 5 ft 3, with no will power at the moment. (Have just weighed myself and am editing this post to read that i'm 142 pounds on the chemists scales.) Coeliac disease is making it difficult for me to lose weight as I have to stick to a certain diet. Any weight loss would be good for me to begin with. :)
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Hi Sarah,
I wish you the best of luck with your weight loss, this forum is as good as any slimming group!
Hi Sarah and welcome to our forum! You could start by having a diary. You can list what you ate for the day and how you feel, ect. Let me know if you have any questions!
Hi Sarah Welcome to the forum. You have come to such a great place for so much motivation. Hope you enjoy it here as much as I do. Good luck with your weight loss journey!
Thanks julie, you've done so well in your weight loss :) . I enjoy it here already. Hope to be losing soon.
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