New Here! Please Help!

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My name is Hannah, I work a sedentary job from 8-4 5 days a week and I am new here in hopes someone can help me out. It’s been a long emotional journey and honestly now I feel like it’s worse.

I've been on my weight loss journey for two years, I feel as though I have plateaued or I am doing something wrong and I thought I can ask you for some help. I am 23 years old, 5 ft 2 and I weigh 165 in hopes of going down to 130. Honestly my focus is more losing fat than the number on the scale.

Firstly, I went to the doctor's office and got my thyroid, hormones, cortisol and insulin checked. Everything is normal except my insulin is high, the doctor thinks I may be insulin resistant (I don't have diabetes or any problems with my blood sugar) because in the past I used to eat a lot of high sugar and processed foods. Anyways, last month, I did my yearly checkup and the doctor found a cyst on my right ovary 7.5 cm big. Due to the Cyst on my right ovary I am required to take Aless 21, a birth control pill to help shrink the size because the ovarian cyst is 7.5 cm big. I started them 2 days ago.

Secondly, in terms of working out I used to strength train 3 times a week for 30 mins (squats, lunges, plank, jumping jacks, one arm dumbbell row, these are just a few). Then I added 2 days of Cardio (HITT for 20 mins). I personally do not feel that my workouts are effective, I have tried Fitness Blender, Youtube videos,, a few pop sugar workouts made by celebrity trainers. Nothing has worked. I like to workout at home personally, I have some dumbbells, a treadmill (I'd rather do cardio using youtube), resistance bands, etc.. I noticed that I didn't lose any weight/ decrease in measurements, however some places of fat are now hard muscle. Now I’m not sure how to Exercise due to the cyst. The doctor told me I need to be careful because it could rupture, didn’t really advise me on what type of exercise I can and cannot do. She said not to lift heavy items.

Thirdly, in terms of food, I usually have 2 pieces of gluten free toast with peanut butter, then a nut bar from Costco as a snack, for lunch i sometimes have a protein shake or some rice with meat or something with both carbs and protein, I sometimes have snack in between lunch and dinner which is usually a piece of fruit and for dinner I usually have something similar to lunch. I have been calorie counting and trying to eat between 100 to 150 grams of carbs. I never used to weigh my food (I did used to eat A LOT of Carbs), now I started to, I use MyFitnessPal on the setting: lose 1 pound per week with a calorie intake of 1300. I am still struggling with this, I am not sure why but I find myself always wanting to eat more when I count calories. Not going to lie, I have a sweet tooth and I have cut a tremendous amount of sugar out of my diet. Also, I tend to gain a lot of water weight which ends up in me eating more junk food and sugar, changing out of this mindset has been a challenge.

I have no idea what I am doing right or wrong and what I should do more to see results, I don't even know how long into the journey one should start seeing. The number one place I accumulate far (this is just for ur info) is on the arms, inner thighs and abdomen. Please if you can advise me to get on the right track that would be great.

To sum up, I am an emotional mess that really needs help and I have no idea what to do now especially due to this cyst and I’m worried that on birth control I’m going to gain even more weight because I’m already having so much trouble now losing it., especially because I can’t exercise the way I used to as well. On top of it, my body type in general always retains water it’s just like that idk why. Please, please advise me.

Thank you,
Welcome to the forum Hannah

firstly, is not a great site for getting your exercise info , there is some good mixed in with a lot of bad advice.

Secondly we are not doctors so cannot give medical advice having said that,

in regards to exercising with your cyst, a lot depends on the size and if it is causing pain, like most thing if it causes pain don't do it. moderate exercise is usually good for cysts but going heavy is relative. you have only just started on the treatment so give it a chance to work, listen to your doctor and don't go heavy on your strength training, it does not mean stop completely, but keep the weight lifted within your capabilities. Extreme intense exercise is bad, moderate exercise is still good.
Hi Hannah and welcome. I agree with Tru on... well, everything she said, really. On top of that:
I personally do not feel that my workouts are effective
I noticed that I didn't lose any weight/ decrease in measurements, however some places of fat are now hard muscle.
Sounds to me like your exercise has been effective in doing what exercise does: build muscle and get you fit. Weightloss is not a goal best reached with exercise; that´s pretty much all nutrition. Speaking of which: tracking the calories in whatever you eat and drink is a sensible thing to do if you want to lose weight and it doesn´t freak you out but if all you do is reduce calories you are going to be very hungry. Sometimes adding things to your diet is more helpful than taking away even more. Veggies tend to be very low-calorie, they add a lot of bulk to your plate, and the fiber in them helps you stay full longer. Salad or clear veggie soup (unless you´re adding cream or binders soup in general is good at adding nutrition and bulk without many calories, especially if it´s a blended soup) are easy to make and make smaller meals feel much more satisfying. Some lettuce, sprouts, tomato, bell pepper, or fresh herbs on your toast? Veggie sauces with the meat and rice? Oh, also: glutenfree toast typically doesn´t have fewer calories or carbs than normal bread, so unless you´re gluten intolerant there´s no reason to invest the extra money.
Looks like your getting some great advice! I just recently became aware of just how much sugar I have been consuming. Recommended daily Amt is 25 grams, I've been having upwards of 209 grams A DAY! So I put myself on a sugar detox and I'm glad I did! I already feel tons better!
Hi, Hannah & a belated welcome to the forum. Cutting down on processed food & eating fresh vegetables & lean meat would certainly help. Instead of eating a granola bar have a piece of fruit instead or a small tub of yoghurt. Adding veggies whenever you can is a good idea.
Welcome Hannah!
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