New guy here


New member
Im sure like many of you, I used work out when I was younger, well after putting my health on the back burner for my career and family I'm getting back into it. I've lost 20lbs in the last 3 months but I'm starting to plateau.

Anyone here ever try Starting Strengths or Strong Lifts 5x5? I'm thinking I want to try a program putting strength training first.
Both are good beginner routines, however I strongly suggest getting a trainer/coach for couple of sessions to teach good form from the beginning, better to prevent problems than to try fixing them later.
Hi and welcome, and good work on the weight loss so far. I know 5x5 method and it’s a great way to start. Strength training using primary movements of your body (I.e the main push, pull, press, squat movements) is a brilliant route.
Good Morning,

While 5x5 is tried and true, but I suggest trying a power-lifting type routine to to build some strength at the jump( happy to share one ).

and Yes I am a biased source :)

I also agree that is you have never lifted before, a couple hours with a trainer to teach you form will be invaluable.