New girl on the block

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New member
Hello everyone!

My name is Cora and I live in Braintree, VT. flames......I have just started Herbalife. I realize Herbalife is not for everyone and it took me years to come to the conclusion that it might work for me. I have read that some say you are on it forever, but that isn't the case. I know many people that have reached their goal weight and then just used their multi-vitamin. At this point I am starting week #2, and I have lost 8 pounds and 8 1/2 inches. I have the backing of 2 physicians, my primary care doctor and my liver specialist, as I have a very rare liver disease. I am being monitored closely by all. I hope to make this life changing. I have already learned so many things I was doing wrong. I am learning to make healthier choices.

so.....HI everyone

didnt work for me, but things work differently for everyone! my favorite happens to be trimspa even tho many say it is garbage lol. what is "flames" btw? oh and welcome to the forum!
By "flames" I mean negative posts telling me how bad herbalife is or whatever. I just don't negativity in my life.

My doctor wouldn't let me do trimspa because of my liver.

I forgot to add that I am 34, married for 13 years and have 2 sons 9 & 11 years old.
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