Ok, so here I am. Hesitated at first. In truth, one is the loneliest number. Everyone around me is obese, including myself. Multiple times, I tried to actually lose weight my own way, on my own terms, alone, etc. Did not work. I live with roommates & they like to eat. Sometimes the food they cook is very outstanding & it makes it next to impossible to avoid it or just not eat. We cook for each other & ourselves. I have fasted in the past, multiple times. Have not done so lately in a very long time. My favorite fast is a water fast in which you only consume water & nothing else. Lets say, that is very difficult. Especially for me. I find myself fasting & there is major calorie reduction. However, the hunger pains grow each day. The 4th day is the longest I have managed to go on a water fast. I would find myself returning to my old ways & the weight comes back on & then some. Almost like a loan with interest. The principal amount & interest (additional weight) comes to get me & then I am worse than before. As much as I have been eating lately, going directly into a water fast could actually kill me. Put too much shock on the system. Instead, I thought about a juice fast for a particular amount of time in which I only consume liquids. Soups, water, milk, red bull, coffee, tea, Gatorade, & heath drinks. I say in time, I ease into the water fast, rather than going into it cold turkey. I do my juice fast for a couple of weeks & then phase out all the other liquids except water. Perhaps once or twice a week after being in a full blown water fast, I introduce juices again just to make recovery from water fasting easier. Eventually, I will need to eat solids again & that is why I think that's an important step. When I do eat solids again, it should only be vegetables & fruits for about a week. After which, I can begin eating meats. I have a plan, now I just need to follow it through. I posted this here to have a sense of accountability. If I was just posting this in a private journal, it would only be me & those immediately around me that would know about it. Those that are around me don't mind being obese but I do & would like to actually do something about it. So, I'm stating my plans here, I hope to get support from this forum. Some have posted their journey to weight loss on YouTube but that forum is not for me. I prefer this. Today is Sunday. I will start this journey on Monday. I will allow myself to have a breakfast as my last solid meal until this journey is complete.