New Diet Plan, Opinions Welcome!

Adam DeJourdan

New member
Hi Everyone,

I have been reading this forum a ton for the past few days, along with a few others (I’ve been researching health and nutrition for like 5 years off and on) and there’s been a ton of great conversation on here and support from all of you for others so I thought I would post my new diet on here for opinions that I am starting today.

I am a 27 year old male, 5 foot 10 inches tall, 234 lbs, and 32.7% bodyfat (I used the Navy bodyfat formula)

For my diet I’m going to be eating low carb, keeping my carb intake under 50g per day. If I stop losing weight then I may put calorie restrictions on it too but not right away.

For my workout I’m going to do P90X, from Beachbody. Most of you have probably seen the commercials. I live nowhere near a gym and would rather workout at home anyways. I can’t do a pull-up so I’m going to use heavy bands instead lol. Hopefully by the end I’ll be able to do a few.

For my nutrition I am going to drink Shakeology, also by Beachbody. It’s basically a meal replacement shake and a multivitamin in one. I figure with my low carb diet I won’t get the nutrition I need by myself so this should be a good supplement.

Wish me luck! I actually already did Day 1 of P90X today. It’s been a good wakeup so far for my body between finally being active, drinking more water than I have in months, and getting some vitamins in me lol.
I'm not sure I understand your question.
Good luck!

How are you finding the P90X routine!?!

Have you considered following the diet they pair with the routine? I hear that if you do the diet with the videos, the weightloss/muscle build is fantastic!
Calorie controlled diets are followed in order to have healthy body, but it should be noted that regular exercise is to be followed along with calorie controlled diet. However, there are number of solutions available these days in order to reduce weight such as, weight loss pills, strict exercise routines and many more. Most of the calorie controlled [link removeed] states that person should consult his doctor before getting enrolled with any diet programme
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So far the P90X routine has been good. My chest was sore for a few days after day 1 because it was like a million pushups lol but other than that I feel better in general.

The yoga yesterday sucked though because I'm probably the least flexible person ever lol.

The diet on the P90x routine is a sound diet that would no doubt work because there are tons of different ways to lose weight.

I chose a low carb diet instead however because I had read a number of books on dieting, and this diet offers more scientific proof of living a healthier lifestyle than a normal low fat low calorie diet. That being said both diets work well.

It will be a lot easier for me to stick to a low carb diet because I love the foods that I can eat on it. It's basically just a personal preference though.