New as well and need help


New member
I am new to the forum and I need help. I have to lose weight for physical and Pyschological reasons. I have no support and need an outlet. I have a very bad body image and am very depressed. I eat out of boredom and don’t have a hobby. I can’t find anything I am passionate about. Where do I start?
Hi Maty and welcome
You’re in the right place. I’d say you start by picking a date and working up to it in your head and in your actions. Mentally start planning what you’re going to do for the first 2 weeks, and have a ‘go to’ plan or activity to start doing as soon as you feel bored. In terms of your actions, have all of your crap food gone by your start dat and cupboards filled for a week, so you know you won’t have to go shopping and there will be no unhealthy options at home. If you can be single minded for a couple of weeks, the rest gets easier. It’s so much easier to keep going than it is to start but pick something you think is realistic to stick to. Good luck!
Hey Maty,

In fact, cravings are a big obstacle to a healthy lifestyle (& weight loss) and there are underlying reasons behind that like stress or boredom. I'd recommend you to start looking for an activity you feel comfortable about and just practice it every day. It could be swimming, running or just walking.
You just got to jump in and do it. Nobody in this world is going to hold your hand and help you through everything. YouTube has some great videos about weight loss. Do some research and choose the est path for you.