New and Ready

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New member
Hi All! I just signed up on this site today after searching for success stories. I recent lost about 25 pounds but am back on my way up. I wasn't doing anything special to lose weight, except going through a not too rough break up. I'm with someone new, and I guess the happiness is fattening. I'm excited about losing weight, and looking forward to see how well I'm going to do. I'm in Kentucky, work full time, and am taking time off from school.
Welcome to our site JenJen! Happiness is fattening...then so is sadness! So find that motivation inside you. What is driving you to loose the weight? Remember to get rid of the junk in the house. It will make it easier to get through a "bad day" if there is no junk around! Let us know how we can help you!'ll find the site dies down alot on the weekends. Dont be discouraged if you don't get a whole lot of responces between now and monday ;)
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Welcome JenJen!!....
I have lost so much weight only to gain it back.....and with my ex , I ended up gaining over 100lbs....( I have lost almost 40 of it)... Your new partner needs to support you in this ..but as we know..its really up to our selves to make it happen!......So come..and join the mad circus here!!!!..LOL......This place has really helped me!!
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