New and needing encouragement


New member
Hi! :waving::waving:

My name is Sally. I have been moderately dieting since October of last year with my husband. I have gone from 255 to 224 :hurray:. My husband has gone from 260 to 224. We are losing about 1 lb a week on average. I know that what we have done is very good and we feel very proud of our efforts.

The problem for me is that in losing my weight yoyo's too much. From week to week (we weight on Sunday) the weight goes something like this: 224, 228, 225, 223, 227, 226, 224, 225, 228, 224, etc..... OMG, I am ready to pull my hair out!! WHY does it go up and down like that??? Last week I was 223 this week I am 226. My diet remains the same.

Any and all input will be helpful. I feel like I am losing my enthusiasm and will to go on. It's too frustrating. sigh....:ack2:

Thank you.

Hi Sally,

Being frustrated is common when you hit a weight loss plateau. I suggest you take a break from getting on the scale. Weight one time per week or even one time every other week. Make sure you are drinking enough water and go out for a good brisk walk everyday for two weeks. Keep your foods consistent and see what happens. Your water weight will fluctuate one or two pounds per day depending on how much salt you consume, how much water you drink, how much you sweat and many other factors, but it really means nothing in the big scheme of fat loss. Just be consistent with when you weigh. Try to weigh at the same time every Friday with the same clothes on. Mark your results at the end of each week and you will be surprised that you will continue to lose 4 to 6 pounds per month!

Hang in there!

Congratulations on losing weight! You've come very far.

From what I hear, it's not common for people to plateau for a few weeks, but it looks like you've got 10 or more weeks of plateaued weight measurements. (Am I reading your post correctly?)

When was the last time you changed your diet? Maybe you need to lower the number of calories you're eating a bit. It could be that you are simply no longer in a deficit, i.e. the number of calories in your diet is too low to maintain 255 pounds, but maybe it's just right to maintain 224 pounds.

If you log your calories, try this: Calculate the average calories/day you've consumed for the past two weeks. Subtract 5% to 10% from your answer and target that number of calories/day.

Hey Sally! I'm really happy that you're losing weight and that you're getting results. Everyone on here seems genuine to help one another and hopefully I can help you out too. Things will be easy once things keep going and looks like you're already on track. =] Keep in touch and hopefully stay connected!
Great work so far. are you on the healthiest diet you can possible be on. have you checked out the paleo diet. also swimming and running are very good exercises. just a thought