New and need help in a limiting community


New member
Hello lovelies!

For a brief introduction, I am Jess :)
I am 28 and have recently moved across the country (Australia) to an island to be with my partner.
All is going well but I need to get my weight and stress under control.

I really need some tips! Because I live on such an isolated island, healthy foods are not only limited but also extremely expensive! (an iceberg lettuce will put you back $13AUD). What are some cheap ways to eat healthy without literally breaking the bank??

Any help would be extremely recommended!
It is important for the budget, especially in regional Aus to grow a lot of your own food and for the things you can't grow, buy in bulk. The people I know that live on Fraser Island (30 minutes or so from me) they do not shop on the island and will take the ferry to the mainland to do a bulk shop, not that prices are cheap like city people pay, but it is cheaper than the Island.
13 dollars for a lettuce? Oh my gosh.. That must be so tricky. Are you in a position to grow any of your own veggies? Or as Tru said go to the mainland to buy in bulk? How much are you hoping to lose, weight wise?
Thanks for your replies lovelies!
I guess I should be a bit more specific.
I live on Christmas Island. Where freight planes come in once a week, growing food is impossible and if is a 5 hour flight to mainland Australia >_<

Looking to lose around 15-20 kg but since moving here healthy options have been so hard to find without getting out a loan lol.

Any tips would be super appreciated xx
Ohhh I'm so jealous! Christmas Island! Is it lovely? What is your diet like at the moment? And prices for that diet?