New And Confused

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New member
Im New To The This... Dont Really Know Much About Messege Boards.. Or Even Weight Loss For That Matter.. But I Was Hoping Someone Would Help Me Understand The Difference Between Carbs And Calories.. Im 24 About To Turn 25 In May And I Hope To Lose Some Weight By Then .. Im Not Shooting To Lose 50lbs By Then But I Am Looking To Lose As Much As I Can... So Any Ideas On Food And Excercise Would Be Great.. Thanks :)
The amount of energy it takes one liter of water to change one degree is a calorie. So when you go on a calorie restricted diet you basically just force your body to eat off of your fat stores because it has less food to use as energy. A carbohydrate is one of the 3 macronutrients your body needs every day. The other 2 being protein and fat. If your looking to lose weight then basically you need to burn more calories in a day than you eat. And if you plan on excercising I would recommend weight lifting AND some sort of cardio, when mixed together nothing but good can happen :) good luck sorry if I didn't answer your question.
plus, get rid of the soft drinks or whatever it is you drink all day and replace it with water and plenty of it. water is VERY important in losing weight and keeping it off because it suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat.
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