Never give up


New member
I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. It's nothing too dramatic, but I have always been at least 20lbs more than I should be. I am 23 now and I am determined to finally get rid of those annoying, depressing 20 lbs. My weight used to be a problem for my self esteem as I was growing up, but when I reached 18, i shed a few pounds and actually looked pretty good. I have a very curvy, womanly figure and I am lucky in a sense, because when I do gain weight, I gain it proportionally, evenly everywhere. I had reached an O.K. weight last year around April and was feeling pretty good in my skin. However, a change of lifestyle and certain unpleasant events caused me to get somewhat depressed and stressed. I moved from my very comfortable and happy town to a new city, where I had to go through an adjustement period. I got a 9-5 office job and found myself sitting down for loooong periods of time. Along with all that, I turned to drinking every chance I got to go out, and overdid it many times. I tried to join a gym but the high monthly payments had me working two jobs and becoming even more stressed out. So I quit the gym (I have small, perfectly usable gym in my building). over the next 5 months or so I gained 10lbs. I just could not care less about my looks or health, when all I could think about was how to keep myself sane from all the stress and changes in my life. And now that I have finally adjusted in this new place and now that it is getting warmer and sunnier outside, I am finally back to my usual self. But now I am also 10lbs overweight (on top of the 10lbs that I have always wanted to loose). I recently started working out (about 3 weeks ago) and watching my diet. At first I felt great and refused to weigh myself. I thought my clothes are getting looser and I was feeling better in my skin. But, oh the disappointment, when I stepped on the scale today!!! Not a single pound!!! I thought I was going to break down. I walked to work in complete despair. Then I got on this website and I feel so much better. I read almost every single comment on the forum and I am so inspired. I want to thank everyone's honest input on the forum because you guys really do make a change in a sad, desperate-to-loose-weight person like myself. I am not going to pay attention to the stupid scale anymore. All I know is that I feel extremely uncomfortable in my own skin at the moment and that those 20lbs are comming off no matter what it takes. I am not even going to weigh myself anymore, not until I can visibly see a difference and until the pants that used to fit me last summer are big on me this time around. Anyway, I really felt like I needed to spill all this out before I go crazy keeping it inside me. Just writing it down helps so much! Thank you all for your priceless insight.
You can do it stars just set your mind to it. Like you said now it is getting warmer and you can do more to get that weight off and maintain for next winter :) We are here to help any questions you have we will try our best to answer. Good Luck to You!!! You will acheive your goals. :D
stars said:
I recently started working out (about 3 weeks ago) and watching my diet. At first I felt great and refused to weigh myself. I thought my clothes are getting looser and I was feeling better in my skin. But, oh the disappointment, when I stepped on the scale today!!! Not a single pound!!! I thought I was going to break down. I walked to work in complete despair. Then I got on this website and I feel so much better.

Star, don't be so hard on yourself :) sometimes when you start to work out you will loose fat and gain muscle and even though they weigh the same muscle is more compact and takes up less space :) so you have made progress. if you don't want to weigh yourself, i suggest that you mesure your self . it has worked for me :D Oh and welcome
Welcome! You can do it. Focus on building a healthier you, rather than just losing pounds, and you will win it all in the end.
I feel you star, I've been there before! Just remind yourself you are worth loosing the weight!
sometimes the scale can throw you off or make you give up. Whatever you do, dont give up. You'll feel worse in the end. You are doing fine! You have already been working out for 3 weeks. And watching your intake. Keep it up and you'll see the results!