Part of me knows I'm being silly, but another part of me sort of needs a little reassurance. I've joined a local gym and had a plan worked out by one of the trainers, and I'm optimistic about that. My membership includes any classes (zumba, bums and tums, aquafit, etc) but I almost feel as if I'd have to lose weight before I was able to join them. To reach my ideal weight I'd need to lose about 10 stone, and obviously to do that healthily will take time. My medium term goal is to lose 4 stone in the eight months leading up to me being the maid of honour for one of my best friends. I feel like I could use a bit of a kick start, but as I said I'm a bit nervous about being the most unfit person in any class and not being able to keep up. Have any of you joined a class, and how did it go?