Needing to lose weight for surgery


New member
So I need to lose a lot of weight for an incoming surgery next year. At least 40kg , but 60kg would be better . I am ona 1000cal diet right now , but my weight lost is realy minimal. So I thought that maybe doing some exercise would help , problem is I never exercised in my life , so I don't even know how to get started . There are a lot of tips for normal sized people or with healthy joints and no heart problems around , but non for people like me. Am at home 24/7 , so time is not a problem.
1000 calories sounds too low...

There are dangers in going too low because your body can get used to it and not burn calories as effectively.

Also - it is hard to stick to over the long term and it can be hard to hit nutritional targets so that you eat healthily.

What made you choose 1000 calories?

You do not mention things like your weight, height, age and indeed gender which can make us see a clearer picture of your situation.

60kg is far from an unusually high target for people round here - so much talk of exercise that you will see is appropriate for people of your likely size.

I was pretty big when I started my big project - and I found walking to be a wonderful form of exercise. You would certainly benefit if you went out for a walk each day - and basically pushed yourself to walk as much as you could... I started walking every day and walked at least as far as the day before if not further... In a very short time I was walking 6 miles or so - and it even increased from there with extra walking later in the day. We can surprise ourselves with how much we can do.

Gentle walking without consideration of speed did wonders for me (I found that I naturally speeded up as time went on) - but people with poor leg joints can benefit from swimming - since water supports their weight.
What made you choose 1000 calories?
I have to lose 40kg in 8 months for an incoming surgery. Losing more would enhance my chance of suriving it , losing 60kg would be the most optimal thing to do , but it would probably be too hard to pull off. Last 3 weeks I have been eating only brown rice , an apple in the morning, some cottage cheese before going to sleep. I don't drink coffee ,alkohol [can't with the meds am taking] just cooked tap water.

I haven't gone out of home without help in last 13 years. I live on 7th floor with no lift and I can't call an ER everytime I want to got home. The nearest pool is over 20km away from me and I can't use public transport , so it realy isn't an option for me anyway. But I can do more or less anything at home , as long as I don't have to stand for a long time .
Why havent you been out in 13 years?
How are you at walking? Would you be able to walk on a treadmill?

40kg to 60kg in 10 months isnt unrealistic. When I did my big project back in 2007 I lost 147 pounds in 13 months. That is 66.8kg.

I think that it would be very good for you to do some exercise.

What is your weight / height / age / gender?
I am male 33 years old . 6.2007 high , I weight 203kg +/- 5kg .

I don't work and I stoped going to school when I was 22 , so never realy needed to go outside .

I don't know what a thread mill is , only ones I know of are ment for small animals like hamsters .
Treadmills are machines for walking on. I have one in my living room. I can set a speed and walk on it without leaving my living room. If you can walk ok - but do not want to venture out - a machine like that could help.

This is the machine that I have in my home - I have had it a few years now - but there are lots of similar machines on the market:

I would envisage that you can walk ok if you have no major issues other than your weight.
I have assumed that your height is about 6ft 2 as I wasnt sure how to interpret 6.2007

If that is the case - your BMI is 57.44.

At that BMI - you certainly will benefit from losing weight. You are chunky - but not big enough to stop you going out or doing some appropriate exercise.

My max BMI was 52 and my husbands' max BMI was 62 so I think that I have a good idea of about how big you are...

Some treadmills have weight limits - but we found that it was worth getting in touch with the manufacturers and asking to speak to someone there who understood the machine. We found that we could walk on treadmill ok - as long as we didnt run. We had absolutely no intention of running so that was ok.
If you want to lose weight, you're not alone. Almost half of all Americans are trying to lose weight at any given time.[1] While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly can be dangerous. Fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may help you reduce the number on the scale, but these methods can cause severe health complications.
However, if you are generally healthy and you're determined to drop several pounds quickly, there are some techniques and tips you can adopt to help you reach your short-term goals.