Needing help


New member

I'm 30 yrs old female, 5'2", 170lbs. Currently following Weight Watchers on my own (I have the books from a few years ago, when I was a member). Just started calculating my calories Wednesday. Try are too low. I try to workout (mostly abs, legs, arms) three times a week. I was walking 5 days a week, before the snow. I am hoping to start a jogging program in the spring. My goal is to get down to 135lbs. The deadline was June 7th, 2007, but I don't think that is realistic.

My breakfast and lunches are basically the same throughout the week. Fibre first cereal (.5c) with wheat bran (.25c) and 2% milk (5.) for breakfast. Lunch is either a can light of flake white tuna or carton Gardenay Soup (broccoli or tomato). Supper is usually what ever is quick and easy, but I have also started measuring my portions. I know I need to start planning these, in order to make healthy choices.

Start date was Jan 1/07 - 185
Current wieght Feb 9/07 - 170

My concerns are these:
1 - what is the safest daily caloric intake that I should maintain? Wednesday I took in less than 1000, and Thursday I tried to up it and got 1295. But I was so full, and forcing myself to eat to get the calories up.
2 - I had C-section 2.5 yrs ago and still have the "Jelly Belly" from the surgery. What are the best ab exercises to help this go away, as well as prepare if we have another baby?
3 - what is the best way to move into a running program, and when I start what should be my caloric range than?

My biggest fear is not getting enough calories and screwing up my metabolism.

**** edit - I have a desk job if that needs to be factored in****
Thanking you in advance!
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I'm 30 yrs old female, 5'2", 170lbs. Currently following Weight Watchers on my own (I have the books from a few years ago, when I was a member). Just started calculating my calories Wednesday. Try are too low. I try to workout (mostly abs, legs, arms) three times a week. I was walking 5 days a week, before the snow. I am hoping to start a jogging program in the spring. My goal is to get down to 135lbs. The deadline was June 7th, 2007, but I don't think that is realistic.

People who set aggressive goals even if they don't hit that exact goal usually succeed in getting close to that goal. So letting that number seem more untouchable is letting yourself give up. Don't do the best you can to in a healthy manner try to achieve that goal. Does being at 150 at any point and time sound bad? I don't think so;)
My breakfast and lunches are basically the same throughout the week. Fibre first cereal (.5c) with wheat bran (.25c) and 2% milk (5.) for breakfast. Lunch is either a can light of flake white tuna or carton Gardenay Soup (broccoli or tomato). Supper is usually what ever is quick and easy, but I have also started measuring my portions. I know I need to start planning these, in order to make healthy choices.

Start date was Jan 1/07 - 185
Current wieght Feb 9/07 - 170

Well you have made achievement but 15 pounds in a month is a fast rate to drop. You need to put together a solid meal plan for yourself. Some basic guidelines...

5-6 meals a day
Protein with every meal
Good fats and good Complex carbs
Fruits and veggies

My concerns are these:
1 - what is the safest daily caloric intake that I should maintain? Wednesday I took in less than 1000, and Thursday I tried to up it and got 1295. But I was so full, and forcing myself to eat to get the calories up.

Appetite suppression comes from under eating. If you aren't waking up hungry, you aren't eating enough. This is a basic formula to get a close range for what you need to figure out your daily caloric needs.

2 - I had C-section 2.5 yrs ago and still have the "Jelly Belly" from the surgery. What are the best ab exercises to help this go away, as well as prepare if we have another baby?
You cannot spot reduce and you need a full body training program.
3 - what is the best way to move into a running program, and when I start what should be my caloric range than?
When figuring out your caloric needs you need activity+BMR from there you subtract. So if you start upping your activity you will then in turn up your caloric number for deficit.

My biggest fear is not getting enough calories and screwing up my metabolism.
It is a valid fear, alot of my clients are with me because of damaging their metabolism. If you choice the right program and get the proper education you wont have any problems. I urge that Weight Watchers is not a very solid program and encourages fast results mixed with under eating.

Good luck.
Thanks for the info Leigh.

So by determining my BMR to be 1544.9;
then be using the Harris Benedict formula to maintain my current weight, I get 2124.2.
Looking at caloric intake for fat loss, I should have a deficit of at least 500 calories a day - but no more than 1000. And according to the guideline for women, I should not go below 1200 calories a day anyway.

So basically, as long as I get between 1200 and 1624.2 calories a day I will lose weight. Right?

I can totally see myself at 150. I would love to see myself at 135, but it has been so long (well over 10years) that I just wasn't sure if June 7th was too unrealistic.
First off you did the calculating correctly so good there:)

I would watch cutting all the way down to 1200. I would take someone that below their BMR in your situation. Burn it off, don't starve it off. It gets you better results.