Need to lose weight. Is Intermittent Fasting (IF) good?

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I was always a fit dude back then around 3 years ago. My BMI was within the average range and well, I would say I looked really fit back then. Then when I met my current girlfriend when we went on foreign dating events we became quite careless about our physical looks and our health. We’ve been eating unhealthy food and it has taken its toll on me. I’ve gained about 150 lbs over the last 3 years through an unhealthy lifestyle and I truly want to lose weight. These days, I’ve become more conscious not just about my health but also about how I look. I don’t look bad especially since I’m quite tall. However, I want to bring back my old body. I need legit advice as to how I can lose weight? Has anybody tried IF (intermittent fasting)? And did it work?
there are a few members here who do intermittent fasting and it does work, however for specific advice more information is needed
Intermittent fasting does work for some people. I tried it in the past but wasn’t successful. I finally found a “system” that works for me!
Intermittent fasting does work for some but not for others. I tend to start to see black spots when I go too long without eating and I feel nauseous and sometimes throw up. I've been like that since I was little. I always needed breakfast and I still can't skip it. Some people can easily skip breakfast though and I think that's a good indication of if intermittent fasting can work for you.

I am 35 years old, and have tried intermittent fast, not in an intentional way, many times because of the requirements of my job. I have realized that when I am in those situations I tend to eat very much after the fasting period, and of course I have gain weight. I haven't search for some more deep info on it, but maybe I could share with you some tricks that have worked for me. I will try not to be so long.

I was reading some ago that eating and breathing are the essential elements that keep us alive, and how we do that is a copy of what is happening in our mind. If I feel that I don't deserve life, not consciously, even though I eat, my body will not extract the nutrients of the food, or if I feel that there's some emptiness in me, not consciously, I will try to fill it with anything, a car, expensive cloths, or eating.

I am not a physiologist, and I am not trying to judge anybody, but I can tell you from my personal history, that until I could stop that anxiety, I could improve my health, reduce my blood pressure and lose weight.

So what I'm talking is that your should look into yourself, and find what is that stress you. For me, was money, job, car traffic, etc., but there was a deeper reason, that was hidden, or that I didn't want to think or remember about.

I am the youngest of my five brothers, and I thought that I had to compete with them for the love of my parents. These lead me to be in a mood of always competing, always stressed out, and I though I that was not the better one, I got down, and I started to eat bad, and gaining weight.

So what was the solution for me? I started asking powerful questions to myself, like Do I really need to compete for the love of my parents? and the answer was NO. I realize I have their love and the one from my brothers, so suddenly that anxiety banished. Then I could enjoy more my life, the time with my loved ones, my job, my time alone, of course, and of course the FOOD. After that started losing weight, my blood pressure was more normal.

And of course this was just one nail stuck in me, I know that I have a lot. Hahahaha.

Then, my recommendation is: go deep in yourself to look what is making you gain weight, complement it with some time for yourself, some walking around.

I hope, this could help you.
All the best.
Well if you look at how you gained wight you can learn how you can lose it.

Its all about where the momentum of your decisions/life is headed.

If you start gaining momentum in eating unhealthy, soon every part of your life becomes unhealthy

If you start making right decisions soon you will start seeing results. These cant be half assed decisions though. Make up your mind now and for life.

All this is, is self discipline

Self- Discipline + Knowledge = Health

Do the right exercises / eat the right food / drink the right liquids and correct amounts / etc. and you will see results if you have discipline day in and day out

It all starts in the head, when you make the full committed decision. Soon you will have too much to lose in making the wrong decisions with health and being healthy will be easy.
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