Need to lose some weight quickly

Hi I'm Alex, I'm 6 ft 3/191 cm tall and weigh around 89 kilos.
I'm 17 and I've always had weight problems. Used to be a fat kid until I got really big and urged myself to lose weight. Just by cutting back on food I lost around 10-15 kilos on my first go making me acceptable. Last Christmas I really went overboard with the sweets and stuff and got up to a whopping 97 kilos but I lost about 13-14 kilos through exercise and cutting back on food.
This summer however, i once more succumbed to late night snacks and got up to 89. School's due to start in about 5 weeks and I could really stand to lose some fat. Maybe start working on that six pack I've always wanted? My fat's mostly deposited on my belly and on my thighs and those are the areas I want to target. Any suggestions on getting back in shape 'till school starts?
Unfortunately there's no way to "target" fat loss. You have to lose weight all over and let your body decide where it will come from.

The best thing to do is to develop healthy eating habits that you can sustain long term instead of bouncing back and forth between weights.

Definitely incorporate exercise into your day - weight lifting and cardio, although they don't have to be on the same day. Some of each at least 3-5 times a week, though, is what you should be aiming for.
Read the stickies in the various forums. All of them have very specific information on how to eat healthily, how to add various forms of exercise to your life, and so forth.

Seriously .. I'm not brushing you off here - it's just that all the "specifics" ahve already been written about hundreds of times on the boards here if you just look for it. :)
As I always say, gaining weight did not take a day, nor will losing it and changing your life.
Takes a lot of time, and a hell of a lot of work to get where you want to be.
Nothing in life comes easy.
I agree read the stickies, they will help you on your journey.
Strangely enough im the same age and roughly the same weight as you, lol. I've always been a fat kid because I couldnt say no to fatty food, until in June I became 90kg. Now i've learnt to say no to; coke, cheese, chocolate, sugary stuff etc.. I also joined the gym in June and did cardio/weights, and lost 5kg in a month, now 85kg!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but theres no "fast" way to lose fat/weight, and you cant target an area, fat is lost all over. Its like learning a language, it takes time. With the right diet, and hard work, it should take a year or two!

My advice is DONT cut down on all food, otherwise your body will go into "starvation mode" where your metabolism reduces, to save energy, making it impossible to lose weight, and then in the long run you'll be even fatter. Cut out the fatty sweets (chocolate, various candy) and food (bacon, pizza, fast food), and switch to healthy alternatives eg instead of white bread, eat brown bread. Instead of coffee or hot chocolate, have plain semi skimmed milk. Also eat more greens such as apples and especially banana's. Even if youre tempted, pinch yourself, asking "do I really want this?", or do things that get your mind of things like tempting food.

Make sure you join the gym and ask your trainer or people here for a nice cardio/weight loss programme! Good luck with your weight loss! :D