Need to lose lots of lbs....newbie


New member
I need to lose alot of weight ...I'm only 17 but I need to lose 80lbs :( and Im a little daunted by that number but now that I'm out of high school, this is the summer of change. I really want to get past this weight battle
Welcome to the site!
Looks like we need to loose almost the same amount of weight, trust me you can do it. If you need any advice let me know. I'm loosing weight like crazy right now and it's already starting to show. Loving it. :D
break that 80 pounds into smaller more manageable goals... like maybe 10 pound increments... and it won't seem as daunting...

you'll get plenty of support and encouragement here...

welcome and good luck!!!
I can't agree more. 80 pounds is a lot to lose, but not impossible. You're doing it at the right time and with the right attitude. Shoot for 20 pounds and when you accomplish that shoot for another 20 :)

You have definitely come to the right place! This is a great place to share feelings successes and failures...we all have them and so we all know how to keep each other going in the right direction. You have made a decision and that is a beautiful start to the rest of your life! We will be here for you, keep in touch!
:) :)
Hi, losingit4good! Welcome to the forum! I know what you mean by being daunted with such an uphill battle. I have one, too, as you can tell from my ticker below. But just as maleficent said, I'm breaking mine up into smaller parts, and I'll be celebrating each little milestone. I know you will too. Good luck!
don't worry

Hi! Don't worry about the big number. It doesn't matter if you need to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds, they all come off 1 pound at a time! You can do it. Just make reasonable goals and changes you can live with. Aim for about 2 pounds a week, and that 80 pounds will be gone in less than a year!
You can do it. Spend time reading all the diaries. You will see it can be done. Just take it a pound at a time.
Hey, Ive got about the same amount to lose, for me its 60 lbs :D

Im sure you will be able to lose the weight with a good diet and steady exercise :D
just wanted to let you guys know, this is Losingit4good but I had to create another name because something went haywire with the other one. SO hello.
Same original goal as me... And I am 60 down and 20 to go. :) It can happen!
youve came to the right place. I know the struggles of being overweight in highschoo and it just seems to get worse when youre out of school. i am behind u 100% and knows you can do it.