Need to lose fat around bellybutton


New member
Hey guys I have been reading on internet and have read too many different stories and don´t know what to believe anymore

My body height and weight is

I am around 1.71Meters and weight 59Kg-60Kg equal to 131-132 Lbs and 18 years old
I am not really fat but I want to have a flat belly.
Like when I flex my abdominal muscles you can clearly see 4 abs and you can put a finger through them but the last 2 abs you can´t see them because it´s too much covered by fat. I want to lose fat around my bellybutton or how it's called in the english language..

I started to run this day, 10minutes walk and 20minutes jogging..
I am not a member of a gym will be joining one soon though, my workouts around the day is only crunches and pushups..

My diet is very randomly I never eat the same thing everyday, then I eat alot of snacks then I don't.

I hope you guys can help me get a better bodycondition
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Hi Soufiane.

I agree with you, there is a lot of information out there. However, a fact is that you can't get a flat belly or look ripped by just doing crunches or other single ab exercises.

To get a flat belly, you need to lower your total body fat percentage. The best way to do this in my opinion is a great diet, strength exercises and cardio (I prefer and recommend high intensity interval training instead of regular long, slow cardio exercises, much more effective!)

Very good that you are joining a gym. I recommend compound strength exercises, meaning you target multiple muscle groups in the same exercise. And it's also very important to exercise your legs as well, as this is where you find the largest muscle groups in your body. Muscle burns fat and makes it easier to reach your goal (don't worry about getting too big, girls never become very muscular unless eating A LOT or doing steroids etc)

Your biggest challenge is the diet, and this is the most important one to reach your goal. If you start eating healthy (chicken, turkey, tuna, eggs, salad, other vegetables, almonds, some fruit, low fat cottage cheese, whole grain bread/rice) you should see great results!!

Was this understandable? Good luck!! :)
I agree with what is posted above. You cannot "spot reduce" fat.

The key to reducing body fat is diet. You will have to get control of your diet if you want to drop your body fat low enough to see your abs. A reasonable number of calories, high protein (about 1g of protein per pound of body weight), complex carbs only (no white bread, white rice, sugar, etc.), and a reasonable amount of healthy fat (things like olive oil, nuts and seeds, etc.)

Skip so many crunches and start doing full body and complex workouts - squats, lunges, presses, dips, pushups and pullups or chinups. Add planks for your core.

But mostly it's about what you eat.
well just be sure and eat healthy and make sure you eat something every day...

For example dont eat a lot one day and nothing the next.

Try and keep a balance diet and mix in some jogging. You will see results.

It wont be instant, but a few months later you will have lost several pounds and gained some muscle.
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i'm sorry, but is that the best advice you've got??? Make sure you eat something every day?? mix in some jogging? EXTREMELY vague there sir.

good points there KC!